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Then, right hand palming the butt of his belt gun, Cas lifted the lamp to study the killer. “Everett, you'll pay a hunderdfold for anything you do tonight,” Nat Hendry said, his voice reedy with nervousness. “What do you care, ...
Subscribe to the Pickle Barrel Gazette at Other books by Jacquie Rogers Honey Beaulieu - Man Hunter series Hot Work in Fry Pan Gulch Sidetracked in Silver City Romance Hearts of Owyhee series Much Ado About Madams Much Ado ...
In the Badlands of the Dakota Territory, a war rages between good and evil, between angels and Satan's three sons.
Bounty Hunter Cas Everett's family was slaughtered by outlaws. He has followed their bloody trail to Deadwood Gulch, the most lawless town in the West, and will stop at nothing to see that justice is served.
When they take a job guarding gold shipments from the mining camps--shipments that keep getting hijacked by a gang called the Devils of Deadwood--Scratch Morton and Bo Creel have to go after missing gold and the Devils.
Deadwood, South Dakota: A Frontier Community
Accurate History and Facts Related by One of the Early Day Pioneers John S. McClintock Edward L. Senn. LV ROAD AGENTS OF PIONEER DAYS It was inevitable that , in the big influx of fortune hunters to the Black Hills following the ...
Calamity Jane lived there, Wild Bill Hickok was shot in the back there and Buffalo Bill was an irregular visitor, not to mention Seth Bullock, Mineral Jack, Slippery Sam, Cold Deck Johnny, and Belle Haskell, the best-known madam in town. ø ...
This is the true story of life on the frontier—when roughing it was truly rough. It's good versus evil and civilization versus anarchy. It's the real Deadwood.