A lonely woman with a life-long feeling of not quite belonging elopes with a child psychologist she met at a conference and discovers how difficult it is to actually escape your past. Original. 150,000 first printing.
Aimee Friedman. huh?” he asked, grinning at me. I stared at him, unsure if he was referring to our kiss or to the book falling. Had our kiss been intense? I couldn't say. I felt too close to it, too bewildered. “We'd better go make sure ...
A powerfully written debut from a young fantasy author, S.M. Wheeler's Sea Change is an exhilarating tale of adventure, resilience, and selflessness in the name of friendship.
A thriller that draws on the science of oceanography explores what could happen when science forces nature to work against itself.
He loses the battle after three days and is forced to abandon Toad. This is more than a sea-tale. It is the painful story of his marriage, his boat and himself.
Return to the sexy, tentacle-filled world of the octopians, where passion sucks Elliot and Declan into a whirlpool of love and desire with consequences that ripple far beyond their relationship. Dive into SEA CHANGE today.
Featuring a gallery of color photographs and a new preface by Earle, this new edition of Sea Change arrives at a uniquely pivotal time when its message is needed more than ever before.
January, 1721.
Critically acclaimed author and artist Frank Viva brings us this warm, funny and innovatively designed coming-of-age story.
This book is a powerful appeal to discard the belief that written sources tell the whole story: objects themselves have so much to teach us!
In the heart-wrenching stories that make up this unforgettable book, we swim alongside Ross as he grows from skeptic to student of the underwater wild.