After a high-class call girl who kept a list of her clients is murdered, the N.Y.P.D. brass assign the case to two misfit detectives in the hope that the case will remain unsolved
Fall in love with Hanna Karlzon's Daydreams Coloring Book with intricate illustrations of delicate flowers, buzzing bees, storybook homes, underwater worlds, and more.
Daydreams & Nightmares collects the rarest work from Little Nemo In Slumberland creator Winsor McCay's historic career. A fantasist of the first rank, McCay was a key pioneer in the histories of both comics and animation.
This is in part a love story. It is also a story about ordinary people caught up in extraordinary events. Although unique in its vividly evoked details, the Berlins’ story is representative of the drama endured by millions of Americans.
*Winner of the National Jewish Book Award for Biography and Autobiography This is the story of the making of a world-famous sociologist. It is even more the story of a boy hustling to survive.
A book about craft that is itself beautifully crafted, linking the world of the body and material things with the realm of mind, heart, and spirit, "A Place of My Own has received extraordinary praise: --> "From the Trade Paperback edition.
Mike was a country boy with a dream.
This monograph features the work of Douglas Bourgeois, a figurative artist whose meticulously detailed paintings and sculptural assemblages present icons of popular culture as well as ordinary people from Louisiana's diverse populations.
What are your feelings about daydreams ? Have you ever been scolded for daydreaming ? Do you ever share your daydreams with anyone ? ▻ Do you think people who daydream are wasting time ? Do you daydream a lot or a little ?
About This Book's Escape Artists a Bill Zimmerman began writing Doodles & Daydreams at a time when his soul was crying ... A Book of Questions to Keep Thoughts and Feelings , a new form of diary / journal ; Make Beliefs and Make Beliefs ...
If so, you’ve had a dissociative experience. The same is true if you’ve had an out-of-body moment or thought you were somewhere else as you drifted off to sleep. These are seemingly harmless and temporary dissociations.