A witty, heartfelt novel that brilliantly evokes the confusions of adolescence and marks the arrival of an extraordinary young talent. Isidore Mazal is eleven years old, the youngest of six siblings living in a small French town. He doesn't quite fit in. Berenice, Aurore, and Leonard are on track to have doctorates by age twenty-four. Jeremie performs with a symphony, and Simone, older than Isidore by eighteen months, expects a great career as a novelist—she's already put Isidore to work on her biography. The only time they leave their rooms is to gather on the old, stained couch and dissect prime-time television dramas in light of Aristotle's Poetics. Isidore has never skipped a grade or written a dissertation. But he notices things the others don't, and asks questions they fear to ask. So when tragedy strikes the Mazal family, Isidore is the only one to recognize how everyone is struggling with their grief, and perhaps the only one who can help them—if he doesn't run away from home first. Isidore’s unstinting empathy, combined with his simmering anger, makes for a complex character study, in which the elegiac and comedic build toward a heartbreaking conclusion. With How to Behave in a Crowd, Camille Bordas immerses readers in the interior life of a boy puzzled by adulthood and beginning to realize that the adults around him are just as lost.
Book Abstract : Since the publication of Le Bon's book, The Crowd, little has been added to our knowledge of the mechanisms of crowd-behavior. As a practical problem, the habit...
How do crowds work? What is the nature of their unique creation - the demagogue? This is the renowned and original analysis of one of this century's most threatening and influential phenomena by the nobel prize-winning thinker.
table 6.1 S&p 500 Bear Markets and presidential party Start President End President 9/6/1929 3/10/1937 5/30/1946 8/2/1956 12/12/1961 2/9/1966 11/29/1968 1/11/1973 11/28/1980 8/25/1987 7/16/1990 3/24/2000 10/9/2007 Hoover [R] FDR [D] ...
With subtle themes of losing gracefully and celebrating the things that make each of us winners in our own ways, this book is perfect for preschool and early elementary children, for readers who enjoyed the How to Babysit a Grandpa series, ...
Reprinted by permission of Penguin, Putnam, Inc. Robert Frost, “Take Something Like a Star” from The Poetry of Robert Frost ... Mary Lee, excerpt from article on Nazi Party gathering from The New York Times Magazine, September 11, 1932.
In this fascinating book, New Yorker business columnist James Surowiecki explores a deceptively simple idea: Large groups of people are smarter than an elite few, no matter how brilliant—better at solving problems, fostering innovation, ...
FindGameObjectWithTag("target").transform; wayPointsList = new List(); wayPoints = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("wayPoint"); for each(GameObject newWayPoint in wayPoints) { wayPointsList.
The interplay of these two forces - the invisibility of the anonymous crowd and the exposure of the individual before that crowd - is a central focus of this book.
Jay Graff • Ann Graham • CHARLES B. GRAMP - Suresh Grandhi • Alan Grant - Christopher Grant - robert grant ... Reid Hester • Alex Hewitt • Gregory Hewko - Greg Heyes • Karen Hibbard • Martin Hickey • James Hicks • Diego Hidalgo • Jose ...
Meet the personification of todays new etiquette, Mr. Social Grace weekly advice columnist in print, radio and online as he reveals the basics of good manners for everyday urban life.