An acclaimed bow hunter who defies the stereotype that hunting is a man’s game, Eva Shockey is at the forefront of a new wave of women and girls who are passionate about outdoor sports. Eva Shockey grew up expecting to be a dancer like her glamorous mother. But something about spending family vacations RV-ing across North America and going on hunts with her dad sparked in her an enduring passion for a different way of life. In Taking Aim, Eva tells a very personal story of choosing the less-traveled path to a rewarding life in outdoor pursuits like hunting and fishing. For her, as her millions of fans can attest, that has meant hunting as a way of harvesting food, caring deeply about conservation, sustainability and healthy eating, and getting closer to God in nature. In this riveting memoir for the adventurer in all of us, Eva takes readers along as she hunts caribou on the rugged Aleutian Islands, tracks a 1,500-pound bull moose across the unforgiving Yukon, and meets many other challenges of a life in the wild. Along the way we learn that hunting is about so much more than pulling a trigger. "My story is about discovering your dream," writes Eva. "It's about following your passion, mastering your skills, taking aim no matter who thinks you’re crazy…and then letting the arrow fly. If you’ve done all you can, I can tell you that you’re almost certain to hit your mark." Whether you’re a lifelong hunter or a city dweller who has never set foot in the wilderness, Eva’s story delivers an empowering message about rejecting stereotypes and expectations, believing in yourself, and finding the courage to pursue what you care about most.
This anthology of stories from acclaimed young adult authors examines the thought-provoking issues of gun violence, gun control, and gun ownership.
Synopsis coming soon.......
" --Sara Jane Moore in 1976 Journalist Geri Spieler met would-be assassin Sara Jane Moore while she was in prison; Taking Aim at the President is based on over two decades of interviews as well as independant research.
This collection of fiction tackles the tough questions of gun culture, the psychology of gun owners, the motivation of shooters, and gun violence—both the purpose and the danger, the hurt and the healing, victims and perpetrators—trying ...
The book ends with an annotated chronology of the past three decades in the contemporary art field and a bibliography of publications, magazine articles, online sources, funding sources, residency programs, and other useful information for ...
Donovan does not say what he is up to these days, but over a decade ago he was doing HIV-prevention outreach with injection drug users, and wondered why the policymakers bemoaning the number of children with HIV restriction prevention among ...
This handsome volume features vibrant photographs of some of the world's most recognizable musicians, selected by Graham Nash, an internationally acclaimed artist of two mediaphotography and musicwho is uniquely qualified in both worlds.
A Texas lawman comes face-to-face with his past and meets the future: his son… First, someone tries to kill him.
We are overdue for political elites to take stock of their tactics and strive to locate their own “enlightened self-interest” for the health of America. Appendices AP P E N DIX A Prefess/Postsess Questionmaire for I62. TAKING AIM AT AT ...
Organisations taking the prefix Safer have formed in the South, for example, Safer Albania, SaferAfrica, and Safer Rwanda, although none of these have any official connection to the Londonbased ... 174 • taking aim at the arms trade.