The Next Century Schools program was launched by the RJR Nabisco Foundation to fund bold ideas for fundamental change in public education. This is the landmark book about that program and the schools that have participated. Now is the time for action, and this book is about one thing only--solutions.
Reinventing Public Education shows how contracting would radically change the way we operate our schools, while keeping them public and accessible to all, and making them better able to meet standards of achievement and equity.
2 2 When Paul R. Mort studied: David B. Tyack and Larry Cuban, Tinkering Toward Utopia: A Century of Public School Reform (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1995), p. 4. One in five families chooses: There are about 50 million ...
The inspiration for this timely book is the pressing need for fresh ideas and innovations in U.S. higher education.
... Program to Integrate Math and Science, Evaluation report, Alburquerque, NM, Alburquerque Public Schools: Planning, Research and Accountability. SHEPARD, L. (1989) 'Why we need better assessments', Educational Leadership, 47, 7, pp.
The individual chapters of the book outline in detail how to counter this dangerous trend, offering guidance to those who seek immediate, significant, internal reforms before we lose the unique value of middle schools for our nation's ...
Divided into six sections, the book traces the history and theory of management education, reimagining central educational principles and outlining an emerging practice-based approach.
This groundbreaking book should be read by anyone interested in how clinical legal education is reinventing legal education in Europe.
European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education (2010). Teacher education for inclusion – International literature review. Report, European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education, Odense.
Come To Believe: How the Jesuits are Reinventing Education (Again)
The new dictionary of cultural literacy: What every American needs to know (3rd ed.). New York: Houghton Mifflin. Hirsch, E. D. (2006). ... What your second grader needs to know. New York: Doubleday Publishing. Hirsch, E. D. (1991c).