A biography of the archetypal scientist traces Einstein's monumental advances in thermodynamics and physics and offers a detailed appreciation of his profound influence on the direction of all subsequent scientific inquiry
Albert Einstein's biography encompasses danger, romance, and a secret government project that could have destroyed the world.
This is the definitive edition of the hugely popular collection of Einstein quotations that has sold tens of thousands of copies worldwide and been translated into twenty-five languages.
In this book well-known physicist and writer Barry Parker does a splendid job of presenting well-known physicist and humanitarian, Albert Einstein.
In a book that is both biography and the most exciting form of history, here are eighteen years in the life of a man, Albert Einstein, and a city, Berlin, that were in many ways the defining years of the twentieth century.
Presents the early life of the German-born physicist whose theory of relativity revolutionized scientific thinking.
Blends the brilliance of the scientific genius with the compassion, playfulness, and wit of the private figure "A fascinating read with more interesting material about Einstein as a human...
Lincoln Barnett, Albert Einstein. tug of gravitation. And any other inertial effect produced by a change of speed or a change of direction can equally well be ascribed to a changing or fiuctuating gravitational field.
On their 100th anniversary, this book brings those papers together in an accessible format.
How did one insignificant patent clerk change the world? Step into the world of Albert Einstein in this book and find out what was so extraordinary about him. Why did it take so long for him to win the Nobel Prize?
Presented here is a beautiful facsimile of Einstein's original handwritten manuscript, along with its English translation and an insightful page-by-page commentary that places the work in historical and scientific context.