UNDERSTANDING COMPANY LAW, 14th Edition incorporates several developments that have occurred since the publication of the last edition. The most significant are legislative reforms introduced by the Corporations Legislation Amendment (Simpler Regulatory System) Act 2007 (Cth) and the Corporations Amendment (Insolvency) Act 2007 (Cth). The 2007 insolvency reforms contain a range of measures intended to simplify and streamline Australia's corporate and financial services laws and aim to reduce regulatory burdens and compliance costs. There are a large number of recommendations of law reform reviews and inquiries to strengthen creditor protections; deter misconduct by company officers; improve the regulation of insolvency practitioners; and fine-tune voluntary administration. In addition, the Corporations Amendment (Takeovers) Act 2007 (Cth) implements provisions designed to clarify the powers and jurisdiction of the Takeovers Panel, to allow it to effectively act as the primary forum for resolving disputes during takeover bid periods. Noteworthy cases in this edition include the High Court decision Sons of Gwalia Ltd v Margaretic [2007] HCA 1 and commentary has been included on other developments, such as the release of the ASX Corporate Governance Council's Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations (2nd edition) and various reports and discussion papers. UNDERSTANDING COMPANY LAW is renowned for providing students and lecturers with clear and logical commentary on current legislation and cases in the ever-evolving area of Australian company law - this edition will ensure its reputation as a leading text continues.
"Understanding Company Law is a leading text for both law and business students of company law. This 20th edition has been updated to include the significant changes in the law that have taken place since the previous edition was published.
The book covers the essential concepts of company law, partnership, insolvency, securities, and takeovers and amalgamations. This second edition is fully updated to take account of developments since the first edition.
For the first time, with this edition, PowerPoint slides are available as a lecturer resource for adopters of this text.
"Understanding Company Law is a leading text for both law and business students of company law. This 20th edition has been updated to include the significant changes in the law that have taken place since the previous edition was published.
This is a leading text for both undergraduate law and business law students of corporations law. This edition retains the logical structure and comprehensive approach of earlier editions.
Understanding Company Law 19th edition is a leading text for both undergraduate law and business law students of corporations law. This edition retains the logical structure and comprehensive approach of earlier editions.
UNDERSTANDING COMPANY LAW 3RD EDITION is a textbook for non-law students at polytechnics and universities studying the law of companies and business organisations.
This is a detailed text on the intricacies of Malaysian company law and as such combines an academic analysis and explanation with a practical approach.
Understanding Company Law: Supplement
Supplementary chapter to the fourth edition of TUnderstanding Company Law', which brings the text up to date with 1991 legislative changes and describes the impact of the Corporate Law Reform Bill 1992.