This book brings together a series of conference papers presented by international experts in the field of judicial dispute resolution at the International Research Collaborative (IRC) in Judicial Dispute Resolution.
These developments, together with shifts towards online court processes are explored in Judges, Technology and Artificial Intelligence.
To understand how the legal system works, students must consider the law in terms of its structures, processes, language, and modes of thought and argument—in short, they must become literate in the field.
That's why conversations on cellphones turn out to be a serious distraction to drivers. Read this book and see what you think.
This book focuses on the changing role of judges in courts, tribunals, and other forums across a variety of jurisdictions.
... Multi-tasking 2011] (a) GV Mavlankar (b) T Swaminathan (c) KVK Sundaram (d) Sukumar Sen 25. What is the retirement age for a Supreme Court Judge? [SSC Multi-tasking 2011] (a) 62 yr (b) 65 yr (c) 68 yr (d) 70 yr 26. Who propounded the ...
Digital Justice introduces the reader to new technological tools to resolve and prevent disputes bringing dispute resolution to cyberspace, where those who would never look to a court for assistance can find help for instance via a ...
In Formalisation and Flexibilisation in Dispute Resolution, scholars from four continents examine both historical and recent developments that cast doubt on the validity of the widespread assumption that alternative dispute resolution (ADR) ...
Coumarelos, C, Macourt, D, People, J, McDonald, H, Wei, Z, Iriana, R and Ramsey, S, 2012, Legal Australia-Wide Survey: Legal Need in Australia, Law and Justice Foundation of New South Wales, Sydney. Council of Australian Law Deans, ...
In this volume, black-letter Rules of Professional Conduct are followed by numbered Comments that explain each Rule's purpose and provide suggestions for its practical application.
Moreover, procedural reforms, discussed here and by others, are making access to court-based information more difficult. See generally CONFIDENTIALITY, TRANSPARENCY, AND THE U.S. CIVIL JUSTICE SYSTEM (Joseph W. Doherty, ...