"This text is an Alberta-specific resource for creditor/debtor/collections courses in paralegal and legal assistant programs in Alberta.
It then examines two fundamental issues: whether insurance & non-insurance plans should enjoy any exemption from creditors' remedies; and, assuming that some exemption is appropriate, whether the law should provide total protection of the ...
Rights and Remedies in the Law of Creditor and Debtor
Creditors' Remedies in Ontario
Cases and Materials on Creditors' Remedies and Debtors' Protection
Recommendations are made for reform of the current law in Alberta and a copy of draft legislation to amend the Trustee Act is included.
Bankruptcy, Article 9, and Creditors' Remedies: Problems, Cases, Materials
Prejudgment Remedies for Unsecured Claimants
Bennett on Creditorsʼ and Debtorsʼ Rights and Remedies
This report describes the Act and states the reasons for our conclusion that the Act should be repealed. It also contains the text of the Act, describes the survey conducted...