Every manager could benefit from a solid grounding in the history and evolution of business thinking. The Best Business Books Ever is a uniquely organized guide and an illuminating collection of key ideas from the 130 most influential business books of all time. It places both historical and contemporary works in context and draws fascinating parallels and points of connection. Now fully revised and more than 30 percent bigger, this one book highlights the information you need to know and why it's important to know it, and does it all in a succinct, time-saving fashion. Business moves faster than ever these days. For the businessperson who has a growing list of tomes that they can never quite seem to get to, The Best Business Books Ever is a must-have.
Rosabeth Moss Kanter Men and Women of the Corporation "The problems with absolute power... lie in the fact that it renders everyone else powerless. On the other hand, empowering more people through generating more autonomy, ...
Hailed as a business classic by the likes of Bill Gates and Warren Buffet and widely acknowledged as a forerunner to the writing of Michael Lewis, 'Business Adventures' is an insightful and gripping look at corporate and financial life in ...
From The Art of War to Being Digital-the 100 books that have shaped management thinking and practice
Their first meeting was at the Fenchurch Street establishment of William Brandt's Sons, which had put up over half of the five and a half million. The Brandt partners courteously offered condolences on the death of the President, ...
This ultimate resource contains digests of the books that have shaped management thinking and practice, from The Art of War to Being Digital.
The Business Book helps you over the hurdles facing every new business, such as finding a gap in the market, securing finance, employing people, and creating an eye-catching brand.
In The Pursuit of Wow!, Tom Peters offers readers the words, the tools, to survive in tumultuous business environments. In his groundbreaking book, In Search of Excellence changed the way business does business.
With this new edition of Starting A Business All-in-One For Dummies, anyone can create a solid business plan, set the wheels in motion, and start making money.
Business spans a wide range of skills, of which Marketing is the most dominant. This book covers the skills necessary to become successful - whether you are selling products, services, or a derivative of both.
Donald Trump has asked many of the brightest, most successful businesspeople he knows—and some he doesn't know—to answer this question: What's the best business advice you ever received?