"Magisterial . . . perhaps the finest one-volume biography of an American president." --Jonathan Yardley, Washington Post "[A] splendid biography." --Wall Street Journal "The fullest and most complete single-volume life of Jefferson since Merrill Peterson's thousand-page biography of 1970." --Gordon Wood, Weekly Standard From an eminent scholar of the American South, the first full-scale biography of Thomas Jefferson since 1970 Not since Merrill Peterson's Thomas Jefferson and the New Nation has a scholar attempted to write a comprehensive biography of the most complex Founding Father. In Jefferson, John B. Boles plumbs every facet of Thomas Jefferson's life, all while situating him amid the sweeping upheaval of his times. We meet Jefferson the politician and political thinker--as well as Jefferson the architect, scientist, bibliophile, paleontologist, musician, and gourmet. We witness him drafting of the Declaration of Independence, negotiating the Louisiana Purchase, and inventing a politics that emphasized the states over the federal government--a political philosophy that shapes our national life to this day. Boles offers new insight into Jefferson's actions and thinking on race. His Jefferson is not a hypocrite, but a tragic figure--a man who could not hold simultaneously to his views on abolition, democracy, and patriarchal responsibility. Yet despite his flaws, Jefferson's ideas would outlive him and make him into nothing less than the architect of American liberty.
This reissue of The Adams-Jefferson Letters in a one-volume unabridged edition brings to a broader audience one of the monuments of American scholarship and, to quote C. Vann Woodward, 'a major treasure of national literature.'
"Succeeding admirably in condensing the best quotes from around twenty thousand letters, this book will awaken some readers to the wit and wisdom of Jefferson, and enable others to rediscover it.
This volume offers rare insight into one of American history's most complicated and provocative figures. William J. Cooper, Jr., is the author or coauthor of six books.
Thomas Jefferson. Bibliographical Note This Dover edition, first published in 2005, is an abridged republication of the edition published by Capricorn Books, New York, in 1959. The introduction by Dumas Malone has been omitted from the ...
A revealing and insightful look at an often overlooked American woman, this book provides a unique and previously unexplored understanding of America’s Revolutionary Era, and the men and women upon whose bravery, talent, and resolve our ...
This book includes complimentary access to a digital copy on https://medone.thieme.com.
In the first biography of Thomas Jefferson's eldest daughter, the author looks at her life as hostess at the President's House and Monticello, where she debated such issues as slavery, religion and democracy and was known for her grace and ...
This book is the most comprehensive one-volume selection of Jefferson ever published. It contains such famous works as "Autobiography" and "Notes on the State of Virginia.
-- True-to-life foil colors reflect and beautifully represent the coins each folder holds -- e.g. Copper foil for Lincoln Cents, Silver foil for Jefferson Nickels. -- Traditional Whitman blue vinyl matches past Whitman products.
A selection of the Founding Father's writings includes his autobiography, the Declaration of Independence, entries from his travel journals, biographical sketches of his notable contemporaries, public and private letters, and Notes on ...