Einstein in the Boardroom: Moving Beyond Intellectual Capital to I-Stuff

Einstein in the Boardroom: Moving Beyond Intellectual Capital to I-Stuff
John Wiley & Sons
Patrick H. Sullivan, Suzanne S. Harrison


Capitalize on Your Company's Intangible Assets... Leading Companies Show You How "Einstein in the Boardroom makes a great sequel to Edison in the Boardroom. Those readers who found the examples and war stories of Edison to be useful in their own IP-management activities will find the same qualities in Einstein. This resource will help anyone in the intangibles management community who seeks to go beyond intellectual property and understand and capitalize on the full range of a firm's intellectual capital." --Julie Davis, coauthor, Edison in the Boardroom "Harrison and Sullivan continue to elevate understanding of the value of intellectual assets and, more importantly, provide a 'clinic' on the practical steps necessary to turn theory into bottom-line results." --Jeff Weedman, Vice President, External Business Development The Procter & Gamble Company "Einstein in the Boardroom is a valuable guide for business managers considering how to leverage intangible assets for profit." --Joe Beyers, Vice President, Intellectual Property Licensing, Hewlett-Packard Company "Going deeper into value creation for companies, Einstein in the Boardroom describes new ways to extract value from 'I-stuff' on knowledge, a tremendous asset that is too rarely exploited and could be leveraged by all readers of this great book." --Beatrix de Russe, Executive Vice President, Licensing and Intellectual Property, Thomson "Einstein in the Boardroom is a must-read for CEOs, CFOs, and board chairs facing the financial governance issues of share price, wealth creation, and value realization. When today's financial management systems may only deal with 20 percent of the value of the firm, Harrison and Sullivan offer a look at what a company can do to successfully create and extract value from the 'other' 80 percent, and they show you how other companies have done it!" --Bill Swirsky, Vice President, Knowledge Development The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants "Identifying, managing, and leveraging knowledge and intangible assets has enabled Cargill to differentiate itself from its competitors and increase its profitability. Harrison and Sullivan provide a clear perspective on how intangible assets fit within the corporate landscape and how to manage them to increase value for the organization." --Harry J. Gwinnell, Vice President and Chief IP Counsel, Cargill

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