Delivers the know-how that novice database developers, enthusiasts, and independent software vendors need in order to use the SSE database Written in the typical nonintimidating For Dummies style, the book's emphasis is on installing SSE and using it to create simple database applications with other tools in Microsoft's Express product line Covers how to use SQL Server Express Manager, an easy-to-use management tool that comes with SSE, and the Application XCopy feature, which provides SSE with the ability to treat databases like files Addresses topics unique to SSE and not covered in standard SQL Server books, including network and security features, migrating and connecting from Access and MSDE to SSE, and migrating from SSE to the full-blown SQL Server database The CD-ROM contains SQL Server Express trial version and the Web site has the code from applications featured in the book Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition for Dummies
Create and modify databases and keep them secure Get up to speed on using T-SQL to store and manipulate data SQL Server 2005 improves an already great database management system. This book shows you how to put it to work in a hurry.
2. Connect to the relevant SQL Server instance. 3. Expand the Databases node and the Database Snapshots node. 4. Delete the database snapshot that you want to delete by using the following T-SQL: DROP DATABASE databaseSnapshotName ...
TableRow Collection Editor lili n Bordarfi e o e l— Bordervvt'ililth N [5 l E- [Collection] Csslllass Figure 2_1o: EEZElZThenWn; liU: a El'TGlJlEVlBWSlG:lIUB row to an El ASP.NET HoiizorilalAligri Mesa Table Flemove EkinlD — control.
Many users learn on SQL Server 2005 Express Edition and then move on to SQL Server 2005. This book is a comprehensive, clear and gentle introduction to all fundamental aspects of SQL Server 2005 Express and the T-SQL database language.
Because most web applications are data-driven, it is common for a developer to purchase one or more databases from the hosting provider as part of their hosting contract. These databases are provisioned ahead of time and provide users ...
Written by the author of the bestselling Mastering SQL Server 2000, this book has an easy learning curve for beginners, but doesn't stop there.
Alison is a partner in the multimedia training company Blast Through Learning, Inc., and is the author of more than 300 internationally marketed computer training videos and CDROMs, including 18 Access 2000 videos, 35 Access 2002 videos ...
The current roles offered are • Architect • Database Professional • Developer • Tester ✦ Visual Studio Team Suite — This product suite includes all four rolebased editions. ✦ Team Foundation Server (TFS) Standard Edition — This server ...
NETAll-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies (Mansfield), 234 Windows 2000 Professional For Dummies (Rathbone), 283 Windows XP For Dummies (Rathbone), 283 purple eraser icon, in list of members, 144 ...