“Unquestionably the most comprehensive treatment available on the subject. I found this book unique in its capacity to benefit executives, planning staff, and students of strategy alike.”
–– Robert L. Joss, Dean of the Graduate School of Business, Stanford University
Create successful strategies for today’s dynamic business environment
It isn’t your Dad’s (or Mom’s) marketplace any more. Business environments once seemed quite stable and simple. Today, every market can be described as dynamic, and you need to adapt your strategies in order to counter the threats and maximize your opportunities.
The Eighth Edition of Strategic Market Management is designed to give you the strategic management tools you need to meet the challenges created by the dynamic nature of markets. Using a variety of concepts and methods such as strategic questions, portfolio models, and scenario analysis, the book outlines the five competencies that spark successful, ongoing strategizing:
Strategic analysis—With an emphasis on external market analysis, this new edition illustrates a structured approach to understanding the customer, the competitor, and important trends that you can apply to your strategic decision making
Stimulating and managing innovation—Understand different types of innovation and deal with the organizational challenges involved in bringing innovations to market
Managing multiple businesses—Know how to allocate resources towards businesses of the future and away from businesses that lack growth potential
Creating advantage—Take a long-term perspective to develop truly sustainable competitive advantages (SCAs)
Developing growth strategies—Gain the skills to energize, leverage, globalize the business, or create new businesses
Significantly revised, with a wealth of new and updated material, Strategic Market Management, 8th Edition remains the most authoritative guide to creating business strategies that will be relevant and compelling to customers, sustainable even in face of competitive attack, and maximize the assets and competencies of your organization.
(美)莫·邦内尔(Mo Bunnell)著, 信任译. 都会享用一份顶级的外卖午餐, ... 同时,回想一下罗伯特·西奥迪尼博士对稀缺的解读。 ... 如果你在某个地域有足够多这样的人(比如说,亚特兰大地区罗素2000指数公司的首席财务官们),那就增加一个地理限制。
提供訂閱服務≠建立長期交易! 當多數訂戶平均六個月就取消訂閱, 你需要打造永久會員機制的實戰工具書! ●《引爆會員經濟》作者全新力作,Amazon網路書店分類榜TOP5● ...
Promotional strategy 1961
Provides strategies for speeding innovation and getting to market. This work explains why it usually takes so long for innovations to reach the market, and why they often fail.
美国营销学专家西奥多·李维特(TheodoreLeavitt)教授曾对推销观念和市场营销观念作过深刻的比较,指出:推销观念注重卖方需要,市场营销观念则注重买方需要。推销观念以卖方需要为出发点,考虑如何把产品变成现金,而市场营销观念则考虑如何通过制造、传送产品 ...
布拉奇(Cecil 'Bertie' Blatch)很清楚這一點,所以在他擔任芬奇利(Finchley)和弗賴恩巴尼特(Friern Barnet)兩區保守黨協會主席的時候,才會決定要「弄丟」幾位傳統候選人的選票,而讓柴契爾夫人(Margaret Thatcher)有機會取得席次。這實在不能說是作弊, ...
本书通过对市场营销与财务管理关系的剖析,从而使企业管理者看清二者之间的关系和矛盾,并针对性的提出整合两者关系的对策,使市场营销和财务管理能够协调发展,提高企业利 ...
本书主要内容包括:市场营销观念,市场营销理论的演变与发展;营销管理过程,营销组织、指挥、协调和控制等方面应采取的措施或方法;影响企业营销活动的各种环境因素分析, ...