The European edition of Strategic Market Management has been prepared with the objective of taking David Aaker’s outstanding and well–established textbook and presenting it to a European audience. It retains the culture of the original text, to maintain its accessibility and continue its emphasis on practical action. It has also kept the compactness, which has made it so popular with graduate and executive students and managers, while keeping a comprehensive coverage of major and emerging themes in strategy. The core value of the original text, that the development, evaluation and implementation of business strategies are essential to successful management, is also retained in the European edition. The book is essential reading for any management or business school course that focuses on the management of strategies. It is especially appropriate for marketing strategy, strategic management and business policy courses. It is also designed to be used by managers who need to develop strategies or who run a small business and want to improve their strategy development and planning processes.
This custom title is published for La Trobe University.
M: Marketing
... David W. , 51 , 184 , 485 Crawford , C. Merle , 495 , 511 Crutchfield , Richard S. , 146 Cundiff , Edward W. ... Barnett , 102 Greyser , Stephen A. , 372 Griffin , Clare E. , 500 Grikscheit , Gary M. , 485 Gross , Charles W.
This is an example of : selective distribution b . intensive distribution exclusive distribution d . dual distribution intermediary distribution C. e . al a . 11. Rolls Royce has a restrictive policy of only establishing one or two ...
How to Develop Successful Marketing Strategies: Understanding, Developing and Managing the Process
... Cambrian College Gerard Edwards , Douglas College Gus Cameron , Fanshawe College Scott Follows , Acadia University Gloria Darroch , Northern Alberta Linda Hoffman , NAIT Institute of Technology Marina Jaffey , Camosun College Susan ...
Study Guide for Marketing, Contemporary Concepts and Practices, Third Edition, Schoell and Guiltinan
Marketing: Contemporary Concepts and Practices, Sixth Edition, introduces you to the exciting and rewarding field of marketing.
Contemporary concepts and practices in marketing.
Test Bank for Marketing: Contemporary Concepts and Practices