Hansell & Damour's Abnormal Psychology, 2e will empower your students with the critical thinking skills to better detail, classify, explain and ultimately better understand abnormal behavior. Written by practicing clinicians and featuring a streamlined table of contents, Abnormal Psychology, 2e offers a new, innovative approach that encourages the critical thinking skills which will help students see the "forest for the trees." By placing the DSM-IV in a larger context using a wide variety of examples, situations and applications, students better understand and contextualize the numerous mental illnesses discussed in the course. This includes a new series of critical thinking questions tied to the "core concepts" framework of the text. Additionally there are 15 new "visual essays" that highlight the most important biological principals, each is designed to help students make the connection between biology and mental illness. Abnormal Psychology, 2nd Edition is available in 3 versions: * ISBN 978-0-470-27434-7: Abnormal Psychology, 2nd Edition, WileyPLUS Stand-alone version of Hansell 2e. * ISBN 978-0-470-28081-2: Abnormal Psychology, 2nd Edition, Hansell 2e with WileyPLUS. * ISBN 978-0-470-27979-3: Abnormal Psychology, 2nd Edition, Binder Ready Version of Hansell 2e.
In one example of these effects, suicides rose 12 percent in the month after Marilyn Monroe's suicide (Phillips, 1985). A review of 293 studies found that media coverage of a celebrity suicide is much more likely to spark an increase in ...
Describes how psychological research has led to the understanding of many of those factors and how our personalities develop.
In addition to the traditional psychological literature, this book draws from work in the cognitive and affective neurosciences, epidemiology, ethology, and genetics.
... 100–101 characteristics of, 97–98 cognitive, 103–104 definition of, 98–99 flexibilities, 103 foundations of, 94–95 theoretical, 99–100 expansion, 97 licensing, ethical, and legal concerns of, 105– 106 origins, 95–97 present status, ...
... R. P., 605 Fisher, T., 384 Fisher, W., 26 Fishman, I., 180 Fitzgerald, D. A., 300 Flanagan, E. H., 143 Fletcher, ... A.J., 147, 372 Frank, R., 87 Franklin, J., 366 Franklin, M., 309, 314 Franko, D., 371 Fredriksen, M., 189 Freire, ...
Abnormal Psychology
In these three volumes, a team of scholars provides a thoughtful history of abnormal psychology, demonstrating how concepts regarding disordered mental states, their causes, and their treatments developed and evolved across the ages.
In M. B. Stein & T. Steckler (Eds.), Behavioral neurobiology ofanxiety and its treatment. Current topics in behavioral neurosciences (pp. 391–413). NewYork: Springer Science + Business Media. Sprecher, S., & Hatfield, E. (1996).
Understanding Abnormal Psychology provides a thorough understanding of abnormal psychology with a focus on the integration of psychology, biology and health.
This book utilizes the popular Essentials format and makes a perfect companion to primary texts on the topic or a useful study guide.