Chemical Reactor Design and Control

Chemical Reactor Design and Control
Technology & Engineering / Chemical & Biochemical
William L. Luyben


Chemical Reactor Design and Control uses process simulators like Matlab®, Aspen Plus, and Aspen Dynamics to study the design of chemical reactors and their dynamic control. There are numerous books that focus on steady-state reactor design. There are no books that consider practical control systems for real industrial reactors. This unique reference addresses the simultaneous design and control of chemical reactors. After a discussion of reactor basics, it:

  • Covers three types of classical reactors: continuous stirred tank (CSTR), batch, and tubular plug flow
  • Emphasizes temperature control and the critical impact of steady-state design on the dynamics and stability of reactors
  • Covers chemical reactors and control problems in a plantwide environment
  • Incorporates numerous tables and shows step-by-step calculations with equations
  • Discusses how to use process simulators to address diverse issues and types of operations
This is a practical reference for chemical engineering professionals in the process industries, professionals who work with chemical reactors, and students in undergraduate and graduate reactor design, process control, and plant design courses.

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