Software architecture is foundational to the development of large, practical software-intensive applications. This brand-new text covers all facets of software architecture and how it serves as the intellectual centerpiece of software development and evolution. Critically, this text focuses on supporting creation of real implemented systems. Hence the text details not only modeling techniques, but design, implementation, deployment, and system adaptation -- as well as a host of other topics -- putting the elements in context and comparing and contrasting them with one another. Rather than focusing on one method, notation, tool, or process, this new text/reference widely surveys software architecture techniques, enabling the instructor and practitioner to choose the right tool for the job at hand. Software Architecture is intended for upper-division undergraduate and graduate courses in software architecture, software design, component-based software engineering, and distributed systems; the text may also be used in introductory as well as advanced software engineering courses.
The authors have structured this edition around the concept of architecture influence cycles. Each cycle shows how architecture influences, and is influenced by, a particular context in which architecture plays a critical role.
This is a practical guide for software developers, and different than other software architecture books.
What you will learnUnderstand how to apply the principles of software architectureApply design patterns and best practices to meet your architectural goalsWrite elegant, safe, and performant code using the latest C++ featuresBuild ...
F. fallacies of distributed computing, 124-131 bandwidth is infinite, 126 latency is zero, 125 the network is reliable, 124 the network ... 128 there is only one administrator, 129 transport cost is zero, 130 fast-lane reader pattern, ...
This second edition contains new material covering enterprise architecture, agile development, enterprise service bus technologies, RESTful Web services, and a case study on how to use the MeDICi integration framework.
Good software developers often adopt one or several architectural patterns as strategies for system organization. But, although they use these patterns purposefully, they often use them informally and nearly...
A73D63 2010 005.1'5—dc22 2010024318 Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. This publication is protected by copyright, and permission must be obtained from the publisher ...
Software Systems Architecture
What you will learn Design software architectures using patterns and best practices Explore the different considerations for designing software architecture Discover what it takes to continuously improve as a software architect Create ...
This book introduces a practical methodology for architecture design that any professional software engineer can use, provides structured methods supported by reusable chunks of design knowledge, and includes rich case studies that ...