In this second edition of his bestselling book, author Art Kleiner explores the nature of effective leadership in times of change and defines its importance to the corporation of the future. He describes a heretic as a visionary who creates change in large-scale companies, balancing the contrary truths they can’t deny against their loyalty to their organizations. The Age of Heretics reveals how managers can get stuck in counterproductive ways of doing things and shows why it takes a heretical point of view to get past the deadlock and move forward.
This is the guidebook for progressive thinkers who want to transform their corporations and the entire business landscape.
Discusses the Renaissance and Reformation from the late fourteenth through the early seventeenth centuries, explaining how the period's artistic and scientific innovations changed the Western world.
"This book concerns a cohort of ultra-orthodox Jews based in the greater New York area who, while retaining membership and close familial and other ties with their strictly observant communities, seek out secular knowledge about the world ...
3 vols . Stuttgart , 1976 , 1977 , and 1978 . Ketzergeschichte des Mittelalters . Die Kirche in ihrer Geschichte , II , G 1 . Göttingen , 1963 , 1967 , and 1978 . . Religiöse Bewegungen im Mittelalter . Historische Studien , 267.
Lucy introduces Michael to other St. Clare’s outcasts, and he officially joins Heretics Anonymous, where he can be an atheist, Lucy can be an outspoken feminist, Avi can be Jewish and gay, Max can wear whatever he wants, and Eden can ...
“Love cancels what betrayal causes,” wrote Ray Anderson in his wonderful book The Gospel According to Judas. The book is a conversation between Jesus and Judas about the limits of God's love—or perhaps I should say the limitless love of ...
Sunstein was hired by Obama to help brainstorm ideas on “cognitive infiltration” that would further this idea; hence, possibly, some of the onslaughts and fake news seeded against – and among – truthers since.
This superb collection of twenty essays by G.K. Chesterton sees the author rail against things in society he views as unfair and discriminatory.
In the flames of unceasing war, a young archer's heart, will, and courage will be supremely tested in the conclusion of an epic quest for vengeance and the greatest prize in all history: The Holy Grail.
The first book to deal with all the principal treatments of heresy and anti-heretical writings during their heyday in the thirteenth century.