The CliffsTestPrep series offers full-length practice exams that simulate the real tests; proven test-taking strategies to increase your chances at doing well; and thorough review exercises to help fill in any knowledge gaps. CliffsTestPrep GED can help you score well on the General Education Development exam, which will show that you have the knowledge and ability of a high school graduate. More than 600,000 adults worldwide take the GED Tests each year. One out of every seven high school diplomas issued each year in the United States is based on passing the GED Tests. Most U.S. employers consider GED graduates on a par with traditional high school graduates in regard to hiring, salary, and opportunity for advancement. Inside this test prep tool, you'll find Full-length practice tests with scoring and in-depth answer explanations Coverage of exam areas in terms of what to expect, what you should know, what to look for, and how you should approach each part Guidance on how to focus your review of specific subjects to make the most of your study time Introduction to the format and scoring of the exam, overall strategies for answering multiple-choice questions, and questions commonly asked about the GED This book will help you understand the types of questions that will test your knowledge of several basic areas, such as sentence structure (fragments, comma splices, dangling modifiers, and more). In addition, you'll prepare to show what you know about The rules for contractions, possessives, homonyms, capitalization, and parts of speech Essay writing with an assigned topic that will call for discussing a personal goal, give an opinion, state a point of view, or explain something World and U.S. history, civics and government, economics, and geography Biology, chemistry, physics, and earth and space science Literary works, such as fiction, poetry, and drama, in addition to short essays, speeches, critical reviews, and legal documents Basic concepts of arithmetic, algebra, and informal geometry and measurement With guidance from the CliffsTestPrep series, you'll feel at home in any standardized-test environment!
Presents a subject review, sample questions and answers, and three practice exams.
Contains practice exams with answers, advice on passing the GED, and sample review questions.
Roots. To square a number, just multiply it by itself. For example, 6 squared (written 62) is 6 × 6, or 36. Thirty-six is called a perfect square (the square of a whole number). Following is a list of some perfect squares: 12 = 1 22 = 4 ...
You'll get comfortable with the structure of the actual exam while also pinpointing areas where you need further review. About the contents: Inside this workbook, you'll get an introduction and a short lesson on writing essays.
About the Contents: Introduction How to use this book Overview of the exams Part I: Basic Skills Review Arithmetic and Data Analysis Algebra Part II: Strategies and Practice Mathematical Ability Quantitative Comparison Data Sufficiency Each ...
For additional grammar review, you can visit ( or reference these other great CliffsNotes titles: CliffsNotes English Grammar Practice Pack CliffsNotes Verbal Review for Standardized Tests, ...
82 Square roots of nonperfect squares can be approximated . Two approximations you may wish to remember are : V2 = 1.4 V3 = 1.7 To find the square root of a number , you want to find some number that when multiplied by itself gives you ...
Cliffs GED Reading Skills Test: Preparation Guide : the New High School Equivalency Examination
This preparation guide is thorough, concise, insightful, and easy to understand.
Cliffs Quick Review ACT Quick Review Accounting Principles Algebra Algebra II American Government Anatomy and Physiology Basic Math and Pre - Algebra ... Entry Level Mathematics Test for California GMAT CAT Preparation Guide ( 7th ed . ) ...