This volume collects most of the lectures and communications presented to the International Conference which took place in Nancy in March 1988. The main issues addressed were: nonlinear elliptic equations and systems, parabolic equations, time-dependent systems and the calculus of variations.
Most articles published in this book, which consists of 32 articles in total, written by highly distinguished researchers, are in one way or another related to the scientific works of Herbert Amann.
Adimurthi and J. Giacomoni, Bifurcation problems for superlinear elliptic indefinite equations with exponential growth, to appear in NoDeA Nonlinear Differential Equations Appl. C.J. Amick and J.F. Toland, Nonlinear Elliptic Eigenvalue ...
The issue of regularity has played a central role in the theory of Partial Differential Equations almost since its inception, and despite the tremendous advances made it still remains a very fruitful research field.
This volume is a collection of articles discussing the most recent advances on various topics in partial differential equations.
... relaxation and integral representation in the calculus of variations G Buttazzo 208 Recent advances in nonlinear elliptic and parabolic problems P Bénilan, M Chipot, L Evans and M Pierre 209 Model completions, ring representations ...
This volume is a collection of articles discussing the most recent advances on various topics in partial differential equations.
Haim Brezis has made significant contributions in the fields of partial differential equations and functional analysis, and this volume collects contributions by his former students and collaborators in honor of his 60th anniversary at a ...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Nonlinear Analysis, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 20-25 November 2006 Michel Chipot ... [3] J. Carrillo and P. Wittbold, Uniqueness of renormalized solutions of degenerate elliptic-parabolic problems, ...
... advances in nonlinear elliptic and parabolic problems P Bénilan , M Chipot , L Evans and M Pierre 209 Model completions , ring representations and the topology of the Pierce sheaf A Carson 210 Retarded dynamical systems G Stepan 211 ...
... problems in ordinary differential equations M Faierman 206 Distributions and analytic functions RD Carmichael and D Mitrovic 207 Semicontinuity , relaxation and integral representation in the calculus of variations G Buttazzo 208 Recent ...