A long-respected standard in the psychology of adjustment, Psychology and the Challenges of Life, Eleventh Edition has been thoroughly updated and contemporized to provide students the ability to reflect on how psychology relates to the lives we live and the roles that psychology can play in helping us with the challenges we face. Authors Jeffrey Nevid and Spencer Rathus explore the many applications of psychological concepts and principles used to meet the challenges of daily life, while encouraging students to apply concepts to themselves through active learning exercises, self-assessment questionnaires, and journaling exercises.
The Eighth Edition of Adjustment and Growth illustrates how psychology provides the basis for meeting many of the challenges of contemporary life. The text's integrated emphasis on diversity promotes a...
Psychology and the Challenges of Life: Adjustment and Growth
The book concludes with a consideration of how social psychology can deepen our understanding of how we conduct our lives, and offer possibilities for collective work on the resolution of social conflict.
How well has this promise been fulfilled? This book evaluates the first decade of this fledgling field of study from the perspective of nearly every leading researcher in the field.
A long-respected standard in the psychology of adjustment, Psychology and the Challenges of Life, Eleventh Edition has been thoroughly updated and contemporized to provide students the ability to reflect on how psychology relates to the ...
Moll, J., de Oliviera-Souza, R., Eslinger, P. J., Bramati, I. E., Moura ̃o-Miranda, J., Andreiuolo, P. A., & Pessoa, L. (2002). The neural correlates of moral sensitivity: A functional magnetic resonance imaging investigation of basic ...
In a study at the University of California at Los Angeles, Lewis Baxter, Jeffrey Schwartz and colleagues used cognitive behavioral therapy with OCD patients in combination with PET brain imaging. The goals were to enable the patients ...
This new edition of Adjustment and Growth illustrates how psychology provides the basis for meeting many of the challenges of contemporary life.
Integrated teaching, learning, and assessment tools, created by a master teacher
Psychology and the Challenges of Life: Adjustment and Growth, Thirteenth Edition WileyPLUS Learning Space Card