Praise for the First Edition of Virtual Teams "If you want to see where organizational communications are going in the future, heed what these pioneers have written today." —Howard Rheingold, author, The Virtual Community, and founder, Electric Mind "Lipnack and Stamps have written an important book for the twenty-first-century corporation." —Regis McKenna, The McKenna Group, author, Relationship Marketing "This book provides a long overdue perspective on how to apply the discipline of real teams in the fast-moving, increasingly dispersed information age of the future." —Jon R. Katzenbach, author, The Wisdom of Teams "For those who want to lead the movement, catch up with it, or simply know where it is going, this book is packed with useful information and interesting stories." —Dee W. Hock, founder and chairman emeritus, VISA "Virtual Teams provides valuable insights into global teamwork and management through network technologies now available to all companies, large or small." —Jim Lynch, director, corporate quality, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Each chapter in this important book focuses on best practices and includes case studies and illustrative examples from a wide variety of companies, including British Petroleum, Lucent Technologies, Ramtech, SoftCo, and Whirlpool Corporation ...
The Handbook of High-Performance Virtual Teams is an essential resource for leaders, virtual team members, and work group leaders.
This third edition of the best-selling resource Mastering Virtual Teams offers a toolkit for leaders and members of virtual teams.
This groundbreaking book is a hands-on, practical toolkit filled with down-to-earth examples and insights that can enhance the virtual team experience for everyone involved.
Virtual teams are an integral part of today's global business environment.
According to the Merriam Webster Collegiate Dictionary , 10th ed . , the correct way to spell this word is “ collocated . ” Some people prefer “ colocated . ” We went with the dictionary . 2. “ Teams Become Commonplace in U.S. Companies ...
The handbook of high performance virtual teams: A toolkit for collaborating across boundaries. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass ... Uniting the virtual workforce: transforming leadership and innovation in the globally integrated enterprise.
Includes research findings based on a year-long study on the effectiveness of virtual teams Mindset and skill shift for managers from old school traditional team management to virtual team management Covers the communication and ...
This book helps you understand both the benefits and challenges of virtual teams, and shows you how to build and coach a community that promotes collaboration and ongoing communication.
A proliferation of new technologies has lulled many into thinking that we actually have to think less about how we communicate.