A state-of-the-art guide for developing grants witha strong emphasis on using program outcome measurement to underscore need and accountability Based on the authors' many years of experience in the public and nonprofit sectors, Effective Grant Writing and Program Evaluation for Human Service Professionals integrates the topics of grant proposal writing and program evaluation, offering grant seekers the practical guidance they need to develop quality proposals, obtain funding, and demonstrate service results and accountability. The authors clearly and succinctly illustrate and describe each stage of the grant writing and evaluation process. Problems or issues that arise frequently are highlighted and followed by specific advice. In addition, numerous real-world examples and exercises are included throughout the book to give readers the opportunity for reflection and practice. This timely reference incorporates a strengths perspective, providing: An inside look at the grant writing and evaluation processes, with insights from experienced grant writers, agency administrators, foundation program managers, and grant reviewers Specific examples of successful grant proposals and evaluation plans and instruments serving as models for learning and practice Field-tested individual and group exercises that facilitate the development of grant writing and evaluation skills Discussion of electronic technology in grant writing and evaluation, including writing and submitting grant proposals online, and identifying funding sources This grant writing and program evaluation guide follows a needs-driven, evidence-based, result-oriented, and client-centered perspective. Its authoritative discussion equips human service professionals to effectively develop grants with a strong emphasis on measuring program outcomes.
Designed for health and human service professionals in academic and practice settings, this book will assist inexperienced grant writers as well as those who have had some success but would...
Caregivers whose recipient has Parkinson's disease or who is on experimental medication will be excluded from the study . The sample size of 250 is adequate to detect outcomes and is based on a power analysis , with power set at .80 ...
NEW TO THE FIFTH EDITION: Spotlights important new trends that can make or break grant success Features Professional Spotlights reflecting the experiences and advice from successful grant writers – from novice to expert Highlights special ...
Child Development When an eight-year-old boy went to the mall after his arm had been amputated, his family was ... can mature beyond their developmental ages and are often described by their parents as being wise beyond their years.
In G. Miller & R. Dingwall (Eds), Context and Method in Qualitative Research (pp. 92–105). London: Sage. Hahn, C. (2008). Doing Qualitative Research Using Your Computer: A Practical Guide. London: Sage. Lewins, A. & Silver, C. (2007).
The updated Fifth Edition of the best-selling Proposal Writing: Effective Grantsmanship for Funding offers a fresh, robust presentation of the basics of program design and proposal writing for community services funding.
Pequegnat, Willo, Ellen Stover, and Cheryl Anne Boyce, eds. How to Write a Successful Research Grant Application: A Guide for Social and Behavioral Scientists. New York: Springer, 2011. Rajan, Rekha S., and Dan Tomal.
This book focuses on two trends that have emerged: strategic philanthropy and increasing diversity, equity and inclusion in philanthropy.
Legal and Ethical Essentials of Health Care Administration, Second Edition is the ideal text for courses that combine a study of both the legal and ethical aspects of healthcare administration.
Watch Richard Hoefer talk about the cutting-edge features of this book here.