The Online Teaching Survival Guide offers faculty a wide array of theory-based techniques designed for online teaching and technology-enhanced courses. Written by two pioneers in distance education, this guidebook presents practical instructional strategies spread out over a four-phase timeline that covers the lifespan of a course. The book includes information on a range of topics such as course management, social presence, community building, and assessment. Based on traditional pedagogical theory, The Online Teaching Survival Guide integrates the latest research in cognitive processing and learning outcomes. Faculty with little knowledge of educational theory and those well versed in pedagogy will find this resource essential for developing their online teaching skills. Praise for The Online Teaching Survival Guide "At a time when resources for training faculty to teach online are scarce, Judith Boettcher and Rita-Marie Conrad have presented a must-read for all instructors new to online teaching. By tying best practices to the natural rhythms of a course as it unfolds, instructors will know what to do when and what to expect. The book is a life raft in what can be perceived as turbulent and uncharted waters." —Rena M. Palloff and Keith Pratt, program directors and faculty, Teaching in the Virtual Classroom Program, Fielding Graduate University "Developed from years of experience supporting online faculty, Judith Boettcher and Rita-Marie Conrad's book provides practical tips and checklists that should especially help those new to online teaching hit the ground running." —Karen Swan, Stukel Distinguished Professor of Educational Leadership, University of Illinois Springfield "This book blends a fine synthesis of research findings with plenty of practical advice. This book should be especially valuable for faculty teaching their first or second course online. But any instructor, no matter how experienced, is likely to find valuable insights and techniques." —Stephen C. Ehrmann, director, Flashlight Program for the Study and Improvement of Educational Uses of Technology; vice president, The Teaching, Learning, and Technology Group
Teachers sometimes find it hard to adapt to high technology devices and software applications that are used via the internet, so we thought we would write for you Online Teaching Survival Guide: Advanced Strategies and Tips for an ...
What is everyone on about when they talk about hybrid learning, and flipped classrooms? These are just some of the questions that have been plaguing teachers all over the world.
This new edition has been updated to reflect recent changes in the K–12 classroom and includes the most current information to Meet the professional development requirementsof the No Child Left Behind Act Help struggling readers Implement ...
The book includes strategies on motivation, tailored instruction, interaction, collaboration, monitoring and communication, time and information management, student concerns, and legal and ethical issues.
This guide explores the challenges involved in online teaching and guides educators and administrators to identify and understand best practices.
There is truly something valuable for any teacher, even those who have extensive experience with ESL classes." —PIA WONG, professor, Bilingual/Multicultural Education, California State University, Sacramento "This is an invaluable ...
Engaging the Online Learner This updated edition includes an innovative framework the Phases of Engagement that helps learners become more involved as knowledge generators and cofacilitators of a course.
That' doesn't mean you can't be a great online teacher. It just means you haven't yet mastered all the strategies you need. This book will help you establish yourself as a great online teacher.
That's why having this survival guide by your side in the center of uncertainty will help you find your way in your new daily teaching lifestyle. Here are the samples of what you can get inside: - How do you get started?
Faculty Guide for Moving Teaching and Learning to the Web