Proven leadership strategies used by combat and business leaders to accomplish impossible goals Heroic Leadership examines military leadership principles as they apply to business and life. Leadership expert and retired general William Cohen describes the eight universal laws of leadership and explains why heroic leadership has worked so successfully and ethically for thousands of years despite severe conditions of risk, uncertainty and hardship. He also shows how to implement Heroic Leadership to attract fellowship, use influence tactics, develop self-confidence, build, coach, and motivate a team, take charge in crisis situations, and take action. Includes real-world examples from business as well, as battle, that follow the eight universal laws Contains proven strategies and techniques to apply the universal laws and multiply the productivity of any group or organization Suggests little-known, but highly effective methods for building teamwork and esprit de corps Based on the classic, bestselling books on leadership The New Art of the Leader and the Stuff of Heroes With a timeless approach to leadership, Heroic Leadership offers innovative ideas for motivating people and helping them to achieve new heights of personal and group performance
In this groundbreaking book, Chris Lowney, a former Jesuit and executive with J. P. Morgan, reveals the leadership principles that have guided Jesuit leaders in their diverse pursuits for more than 450 years.
Praise for Heroic Leadership "Entertaining and well researched, this is a must-read for any business leader, and an inspirational read for anyone who wants to be a better human being.
This handbook provides a much-needed consolidation and synthesis for heroism and heroic leadership scholars and graduate students.
l Puryear, Edgar E, Jr., Nineteen Stars: A Study in MiLitary Character and Leadership (Presidio, CA: Presidio ... Z Bums, James MacGregor, quoted in William Safire and Leonard Safer, Leadership (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1990), p.
This pioneering new book sets out to categorize context, process, and outcomes of post-heroic leadership.
Matt Lauer, Al Franken, Harvey Weinstein, Louis C. K., Charlie Rose, and many others, have rightly been deemed as villains by society for their sexual misconduct. Curiously, when people are strongly motivated to retain their hero, ...
Heroes permeate our culture. But what makes a hero? And what makes heroes 'heroic'? This exciting and innovative study explores how charisma and human needs create images of individuals as heroes and villains.
Scott T. Allison is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Richmond where he has published extensively on heroism and leadership. His other books include Heroes, The Romance of Heroism, Handbook of Heroism and Heroic Leadership, ...
The book is full of teachable moments that help one view life from the ‘inside out’ rather than the ‘outside in’—calling all of us to a better version of ourselves.” —Michael D. Connelly, President and CEO, Catholic Healthcare ...
Heroes permeate our culture. But what makes a hero? And what makes heroes 'heroic'? This exciting and innovative study explores how charisma and human needs create images of individuals as heroes and villains.