Now with a stronger emphasis on applications and more problems, this sixth edition gives readers the opportunity to analyze, design, and evaluate linear circuits right from the start. The design examples, problems and applications provided in the book promote the development of creative and design skills.
... 469 Proportionality property dc circuits, 98 phasor domain, 409 s domain, 513 Prototype, 596 Quality factor (Q), ... 348 Root-mean-square Rotating phasor, 384 (Vrms) value, 261, 707 s-plane geometry relationships, 529 Sallen-Key, ...
Now revised with a stronger emphasis on applications and more problems, this new Fourth Edition gives readers the opportunity to analyze, design, and evaluate linear circuits right from the start....
Throughout the text, the authors maintain a steady focus circuit design and include a greatly revised set of design examples, exercises, and homework problems. * Master the most modern software tools.
Engineers searching for an accessible introduction to resistance circuits will benefit from this book that emphasizes the early development of engineering judgment. The new sixth edition takes them beyond simply...
The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits
This updated Ninth Edition features an emphasis on the use of computer software, including Excel, MATLAB, and Multisim, building a real-world problem-solving style that reflects that of practicing engineers.
Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits
The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits and Electric Circuit Analysis: Chapters 14 and 15, Custom Edition for Boston
Learn Linear Circuits by Actually Designing Them! With more examples, problems, applications, and tools, the Third Edition of Thomas and Rosa's The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits presents an...
Taking the subject from a modelling angle, this text brings together the most common and traditional circuit analysis techniques (e.g. phasor analysis) with system and signal theory (e.g. the concept of system and transfer function), so ...