Clinical Dermatology

Clinical Dermatology
Clinical Dermatology
John Wiley & Sons
Richard B. Weller, Hamish J. A. Hunter, Margaret W. Mann


The best-selling text has been completely revised and revitalised in this fifth edition, with the authors once again encouraging general practitioners, medical students, general physicians and early stage dermatology specialist trainees and interns to relish the unique challenge of diagnosing and treating skin conditions. Clinical Dermatology, 5th edition contains over 400 high quality pictures and diagrams combined with colourful phrases to illustrate and entertain as it teaches. The book has established a reputation as a ‘way of learning’ and as an accessible guide to the subject for the aspiring specialist. Readers are guided through the maze that too often lies between the presenting skin complaint and its final diagnosis and treatment. The authors have skilfully crafted an easily read text with enough detail to clarify the subject, but not enough to obscure it. This fifth edition contains new chapters on non-invasive physical treatment and dermoscopy, and new material on cosmetic dermatology, surgical dermatology, the skin and the psyche, and dermatoses of non-Caucasian skin. The text throughout the book has been updated in line with developments in the science and practice of dermatology. “... brilliantly succeeds in enticing you to look further. The writing is clear, and the joint British-American authorship avoids any parochial views.” From a review of a previous edition in BMJ “...a very well-presented excellent aid for teaching. I recommend this book highly to individuals and departments.” From a review of a previous edition in J Derm Treatment “… provides a good overview of the structure and function of the skin as well as a good foundation for learning dermatology…well organized and includes a chapter dedicated to skin signs of systemic disease which is not covered in the other dermatology primers.” From a review of a previous edition in JAMA

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