Managing Human Resources: An Asian Perspective

Managing Human Resources: An Asian Perspective
Managing Human Resources
Personnel management
Raymond J. Stone


This first edition of Managing Human Resources: an Asian perspective is based on the textbook Human Resource Management 6th edition by Raymond J. Stone, the longest running and most successful Australian textbook ever produced in the field of HRM. Despite its 'parent' textbook having also been popular in Asia over a long period, author Ray Stone's many years of living, working and teaching in Asia provided the impetus for this much needed Asia-specific edition. With a focus on HR practices in Asian countries such as Hong Kong, Malaysia Singapore and China, readers will find a wealth of examples, practical activities, key statistics and research. Managing Human Resources: an Asian perspective is an invaluable new resource for HR students, lecturers and professionals in the Asian region. CHAPTER FEATURES Learning objectives Each chapter has its own set of learning objectives. Use these as a checklist after studying each chapter to check your understanding. Environmental influences model The model is explained in chapter 1 and provides an analytical framework for strategic HRM throughout the book. It forms the basis for an end-of-chapter question in each chapter. Fast facts Relevant facts and statistics on various topical issues, particularly in relation to Asian countries, are regularly highlighted throughout each chapter. 'Practitioner speaks 'boxes Human resource managers from a variety of countries and industries within the Asian region provide real-world perspectives on chapter topics. DOCTOR HR Presented in an 'ask the expert' style, these questions bring issues of the contemporary workplace to life. Newsbreaks Media articles on HRM topics, drawn from the Asian region, help demonstrate the practical application of chapter theory. Research flash boxes The latest research on a contemporary HR issue is provided in each chapter. Ethical dilemmas Thought-provoking questions are raised regularly in the margins of each chapter, highlighting challenging issues. Terms to know Key terms are bolded in the text at first mention and defined in the margin for ease of reference. They also appear in the end-of-book glossary. Student Study Guide At the end of each chapter you will find a wealth of material for both self-study and classroom activities, including review questions, online exercises and case studies. Capstone case study Exploring multiple themes from the entire text, this case study has been designed to enable you to apply and demonstrate your knowledge across a range of HR topics. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Raymond J. Stone, BA, B.Com, Dip.Soc.Stud. (Melb), MA (Ottawa), PhD (Hong Kong), CMAHRI, FIHRM (Hong Kong) Raymond J. Stone has more than 30 years experience in international HRM and has held senior positions in Hong Kong, Australia, Japan and Korea. He is currently Adjunct Professor of the School of Business in the Department of Management of Hong Kong Baptist University. His work experience covers remuneration and benefits, recruitment and selection, psychological appraisal, industrial relations, HRM research, training and development, and strategic human resource planning and policy development. He has taught at Hong Kong, Australian, Japanese and British universities. His articles on negotiating and international HRM have been published in leading academic and business journals in the United States, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand. He resides in Hong Kong and travels frequently throughout the Asia Pacific region.

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