Search Engine Optimization: An Hour a Day

Search Engine Optimization: An Hour a Day
Search Engine Optimization
John Wiley & Sons
Jennifer Grappone, Gradiva Couzin


This is the ultimate guide to do-it-yourself search engine optimization. It clearly explains important SEO concepts, trends, and best practices before laying out a day-by-day plan for developing, managing, and measuring a successful SEO plan. The hour-a-day approach makes what can be an overwhelming task feel approachable – perfect for overworked marketers, PR pros, small-business owners, and professionals throughout an organization tasked with driving targeted traffic to a web site. The book features: • Strategies for setting SEO goals and getting buy-in throughout a company • A thorough, day-by-day plan for developing and implementing an SEO strategy that can include both free and paid efforts • Downloadable tracking spreadsheets, keyword list templates, tag/directory listing reference sheets, templates for checking rank and site indexes, and a calendar with daily SEO tasks that you can import into your own calendar system, plus many other useful documents for implementing an SEO plan and measuring its effectiveness • Fascinating real-world “From the Trenches” case studies, with names changed to protect the (not so) innocent • Engaging “Right Brain vs. Left Brain” sidebars where the authors discuss key issues from their unique perspective • Hints, tips, and techniques for everyone from one-person shops to Fortune 500 companies • Habits for effectively monitoring trends, your competition, and your SEO results • A companion web site with related downloads, forums, and additional resources. Based on recent developments, current trends, and extensive reader feedback, enhancements to the third edition include: • Expanded coverage about integrating Facebook, Twitter, and other social media efforts with SEO • Details about the latest crucial developments in how search engines work, including real-time search results • Strategies for capitalizing on the Bing-Yahoo alliance • Tips for using the latest keyword research tools • Information on Ajax optimization • New information on successfully building “link juice” • New case studies featuring small businesses and tactics for getting quality user-generated, SEO-friendly content • Greatly expanded ecommerce optimization coverage

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