A single-source guide to harnessing the power of 3D visualization tools for analysis and representation of landscapes Current technology allows designers to model environmental phenomena and space in new and exciting ways that go beyond the two-dimensional plane. The models, illustrations, and animations that can be created usher in a new paradigm of landscape representation that can become analytical tools as well as beautiful imagery. The text focuses on digital modeling methods that can be used to express rich environments using digital tools to develop, composite, and animate scenes. This full-color book provides coverage of 3D visualization tools for land planning and landscape architecture. The methods and theories in Modeling the Environment present landscape representation around a core set of ideas—scene, object, terrain, environment/atmosphere, time/dynamics, and the composite—that centers representation on human experience. Supported by www.lab.visual-logic.com, a website offering tutorials and forums, the text shows you how to use Autodesk 3ds Max to create dynamic landscape environments while also referring to a range of other tools including Google SketchUp, Autodesk Maya, and AutoCAD Civil 3D. It also demonstrates how to integrate 3D visualization tools into existing workflows, and offers critical coverage of intelligent drawings and representations, giving you a glimpse at the future of the profession. This book: Includes sections intended to build upon one another in order to understand the environment as a composite representation of multiple systems interacting Shows how to integrate 3D visualization tools into existing workflows, as opposed to offering an entirely new workflow Emphasizes modeling, animation, and simulation as both design analysis tools and presentation tools Modeling the Environment is essential reading for professionals in landscape architecture, urban planning and design, architecture, and related disciplines who are looking to be at the forefront of technology.
Modeling the Environment was the first textbook in an emerging field—the modeling techniques that allow managers and researchers to see in advance the consequences of actions and policies in environmental...
After an introduction to the basics of dynamic modeling, the book leads students through an analysis of several environmental problems, including surface-water pollution, matter-cycling disruptions, and global warming.
'Mediated Modeling' is an approach to participatory environmental decision-making.
This textbook presents the timeless basic physical and mathematical principles and philosophy of environmental modeling to students who need to be taught how to think in a different way than they would for more narrowly-defined engineering ...
The book has two aims: to introduce basic concepts of environmental modelling and to facilitate the application of the concepts using modern numerical tools such as MATLAB.
This advanced undergradute and graduate textbook covers the formulations and applications of mathematical models that simulate water flow and chemical transport in rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries, coastal and ocean waters.
Barnsley, M. J., 1999, Digital remotely-sensed data and their characteristics, in Geographical Information Systems: Principles, Techniques, Management and Applications, edited by P. A. Longley, M. F. Goodchild, D. J. Maguire, and D. W. ...
This volume brings together, in a central text, chapters written by leading scholars working at the intersection of modeling, the natural and social sciences, and public participation.
This book introduces a wide range of mathematical models in economics, ecology and environmental sciences to a general mathematical audience with no in-depth experience in this specific area.
In addition, the book presents a new view of software capability, i.e. the effect-based software capability in terms of environment modeling.