"The best first step toward a career in project management"--Cover.
Project Management JumpStart gives you the solid grounding you need to approach a career in project management with confidence: Understanding the skills of a successful project manager Creating project schedules and budgets Winning the ...
Written from the constructor's perspective, this book willfamiliarize you with all the construction management fundamentalsand how Building Information Modeling (BIM) is impacting theconstruction management profession.
Project Management JumpStart 2nd Edition with Project Management Workbook 8th Edition Set
With 100% coverage of all exam objectives, bolstered by real-world scenarios and the Sybex interactive learning environment, this book gives you everything you need to approach the exam with confidence.
Learn all Project Management Essentials in 1/2 day or less! Written by an experienced PMP who also authored some of the Amazon most popular best-selling books, this unique manual provides: 1.
This Fifth Edition features a range of improvements. New pedagogical devices improve absorption of the material. Updated labor, material, and equipment pricing is incorporated into the text.
2 6/08/04 Exteriorlight West Carvel Karen 7/01/04 7/02/04 CWP fixture has entrance Lighting Jones OK cracked globe. 3 6/17/04 Dentin Men's Westside Mike 6/29/04 7/02/04 CWP metaltoilet room Specialties Davis OK partition door—stall 3.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
Exclusions are the deliverables or requirements the team identified as not essential to completing this portion of the project. Exclusions from scope for the Logan Street Move project might include setting up the executive management ...
It's a fun and easily understandable project that is used to demonstrate the concepts outlined in the book in a practical way. This is a clear, approachable and very easy-to-follow book that will get you to to speed with Sinatra in no time.