Goldstein , R. , J. Quant . Spectros . Radiative Transfer , 4 , 343 ( 1964 ) . 98. Gorbatyi , Yu . E. and G. V. Bondarenko , Ocherki Fiz . - Khim . Petrologii , 1973 , No. 3 , 207 . 99. Gorbunov , B. Z. and Yu .
If that is not the case, the single parameter measurement fails. This book covers all aspects of Electromagnetic Aquametry. It summarizes the wide area of metrology and its applications in electromagnetic sensing of moist materials.
The first book to address all theoretical and practical aspects of electromagnetic wave interaction with water and moist materials, this unique book features 29 full-length, peer-reviewed papers prepared by 69...
Alimentaria , June , 63-67 . HEATH M.R. and PRINZ J.F. ( 1999 ) . " Oral processing of foods and the sensory evaluation of texture ' . In Food Texture : Measurement and Perception , Ed . A.J.Rosenthal , Aspen , Gaithersburg .
The idea of this book was born due to the rapid increase of the interest in excellence of agricultural production in the aspect of both – the quality of raw material for food production as well as in the aspect of environment protection.
Palmgren, C. M., “Shielded flat cables for EMi and ESd reduction,” International Symposium on EMC, iEEE, Boulder, Colo., August 1981. ... Morgan, d., Handbook for EMC Testing and Measurement, institution of Electrical Engineers (1994).
... Aquametry 2010, edited by K. Kupfer, N. Wagner, R. Wagner, F. Bonitz, B. Müller, and C. Hübner (MPFA, Bauhaus Universität, Weimar, 2010) pp 380-388. L. Gradinarsky; H. Brage; B. Lagerholm; I. N. Björn; S. Folestad, In situ monitoring ...
Mymoona Akhter, M. Mumtaz Alam. Learning Objectives • Concept of aquametry • IDetermination of water in pharmaceuticals • Karl Fischer method • Azeotropic distillation • Gas chromatographic method of water determination updates 10 Aquametry ...
22 (4), 300–302. in Volume 3 as well. We do not analyze the methods intended for measuring soil moisture, which is a special topic for consideration. A description of these methods can be found in the reviews of Robinson et al.
Thompson , Benjamin , Count Rumford 1753–1814 , British scientist and administrator , born in America ; studied ocean circulation ; demonstrated the nature of heat ; improved gunpowder . Thompson , Sir Eric 1898–1975 , English ...