A Field Manual for the Amateur Geologist: Tools and Activities for Exploring Our Planet

A Field Manual for the Amateur Geologist: Tools and Activities for Exploring Our Planet
Juvenile Nonfiction / Science & Nature / Experiments & Projects
Alan M. Cvancara


Praise for the first edition . . .

"A must-have volume for rock and fossil collectors, naturalists, and travelers . . . ideal for the nature enthusiast with little or no background in geology." -Earth "Cvancara's Field Manual is the book for which I have been waiting for many years!"

This fascinating guide is an important resource you'll want to have with you on any outdoor vacation, nature walk, or rock hunting expedition. A Field Manual for the Amateur Geologist not only describes the science of geology, but also shows you how to do geology in the field. This book introduces the geologist's core concepts, tools, and techniques and requires no prior training in geology. Beginners will learn to identify landforms, minerals, rocks, and fossils and experience, firsthand, all the excitement of geological discovery. More experienced "rockhounds" will find a wealth of useful information as well, including:
* Easy-to-use mineral keys and landform keys
* Unique chapters on the geologist's approach, exploring the geology of North American national parks, sleuthing stones, and prospecting for gold
* Over 200 photographs and drawings
* Lists of geological museums, geological surveys, and other resources

Whether you are an amateur geologist, fossil hunter, naturalist, or simply a traveler with an inquiring mind, this handy field manual is sure to become a constant companion on your explorations of our planet.

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