A successful career means more than just upward mobility and a house in the suburbs-it's the chance to work with people who are as optimistic, energetic, and successful as you are. The chance, in other words, to be part of a company of heroes.
In this book, authors Henry Sims and Charles Manz show you how to make this dream come true. Company of Heroes is a springboard for releasing the talent, energy, and enthusiasm of everyone in the organization-not just those at the top. Offering new concepts of leadership-among them, heroic self-leadership-this remarkable book calls for a new, dynamic attitude toward work in today's business organizations.
Developing ideas presented in their acclaimed book SuperLeadership, the authors describe a pragmatic, detailed program you can use to transform everyone in your company into a heroic self-leader. You'll learn:
* How to become a self-leader and serve as a self-leadership model for others
* Why SuperLeadership is much more in tune with today's business needs than traditional models of leadership
* How the core process of follower self-leadership works and how to implement proven self-leadership strategies
* How organizations and managers can make the challenging transition to self-leadership
* How to use teams to empower followers and how to take the entire team concept to the next level
* How a total culture of self-leadership can create a company of heroes
* What can be learned from the examples of such real-life SuperLeaders as Jack Welch, CEO of General Electric; Ricardo Semler, CEO of Semler Industries; and Dennis Bakke, CEO of AES Corporation
An invaluable resource for all managers and supervisors, Company of Heroes is a blueprint for all those who want to build the new, more dynamic organizations of the future now.
A practical, step-by-step program for unleashing the full talents of everyone in your organization
Company of Heroes
In the leaner, meaner organizations of the 1990s the ability to turn a work group into a company of heroes is the key to managerial success. Drawing on concepts set forth in their bestselling SuperLeadership, Henry P. Sims, Jr., and Charles C. Manz provide a complete set of proven, easy-to-use strategies and techniques that managers can use to help their people become heroes-creative, highly motivated self-leaders.
Practical, step-by-step guidance on implementing SuperLeadership concepts in any industry
* How to become a self-leader and serve as a self-leadership model for others
* A detailed examination of the traditional leadership models-why they have lost effectiveness and why SuperLeadership offers a more dynamic, empowering way to lead
* Promoting self-led teamwork and boosting the performance levels of teams
* Vivid, real-life examples of SuperLeaders and self-leadership in action
And many more strategies and techniques for unleashing the powerful self-leadership capacity that resides within each person. Company of Heroes is must reading for all managers and supervisors determined to create extraordinarily effective organizations.
After chronicling the personal stories of the Band of Brothers in We Who Are Alive and Remain, author Marcus Brotherton presents a collection of remembrances from the families of the soldiers of Easy Company—and how their wartime ...
After chronicling the personal stories of the Band of Brothers in We Who Are Alive and Remain, author Marcus Brotherton presents a collection of remembrances from the families of the soldiers of Easy Company—and how their wartime ...
-General Gordon R. Sullivan , U.S. Army ( Ret . ) “ The story remains taut , and the prose evokes both the chaos of combat and the anxiety of confinement ... a revealing portrait of the human face of war . " -Publishers Weekly “ In the ...
“All Christians should read this book.” —Rosaria Butterfield Across the globe, the gospel is advancing through the work of Christians willing to risk everything in the hardest places.
With devastating injuries, he was taken prisoner by a Somali warlord. With revealing insight and emotion, he tells the story of what he saw, how he survived, and the courage and heroism that only soldiers under fire could ever know.
The 2d vol. of the author's 4 vol. work: The frontier people of America; the other volumes are Forth to the wilderness, Ark of empire, and The final challenge. Reprint...
In the Company of Heroes
Company Of Heroes by William Reed released on May 24, 1991 is available now for purchase.
Based on three fascinating, romantic and exciting stories during the turbulent period of 19141920: how the first woman invited to serve with the Czars Treasury hides the wealth of Russia from Lenin, how a language student from Stanford ...
For those entirely new to Company of Heroes, these tips should help you feel more prepared to take on the fights ahead. In this guide, we'll break down Company of Heroes 3 tips and tricks for beginners.