The name areas for AIS, as identified by the AAA Committee on Contemporary Approach to Teaching AIS, are all addressed.
* Real world cases are woven into the text material.
* Each chapter highlights a real world case or concept in the AIS at Work feature.
CHAPTER 1 / Accounting Information Systems and the Accountant 9 the creation software that was used to prepare the ... Case-in-Point 1.6 Survey data from more than 100 hospital CFOs suggests five major themes regarding the evolution of ...
Core Concepts of Accounting Information Systems
Core Concepts of Accounting Information Systems,13th Edition Wiley E-Text Student Package
Rev. ed. of: Core concepts of accounting information systems / Stephen A. Moscove, Mark G. Simk;in, Nancy A. Bagranoff. 8th ed. c2003
Accounting Information systems (AIS) have become indispensable in the field, and this book provides clear guidance for students or professionals needing to get up to speed.
Core Concepts of Accounting Information Systems: Instructor's Resource Guide
Core Concepts of Accounting Information Systems,13 Evaluation Copy
Completely updated and revised, the tenth edition provides the latest information on the Internet, e-commerce, software, databases, and more.
Core Concepts of Accounting Information Systems 9th Edition with Modeling and Designing Accounting Systems: Using Access to Build a Database...