Everything materials scientists need to know about the powerful analytical tools of nuclear microprobe technology
This much-awaited volume covers, in a thoroughly accessible and informative way, the fast-growing field of nuclear microprobe technology and the methods for utilizing focused-light ion beams in materials characterization. Unlike any other book on the market, it concentrates on the specific needs of materials scientists and presents a comprehensive guide to all practical and theoretical aspects of this technology.
Written by leading experts in the field from major microprobe centers, the book provides
* Coverage of all new nuclear microprobe hardware, and new ion beam techniques for materials modifications and analysis
* Detailed descriptions of the various uses of nuclear microprobes in materials analysis
* An overview of the basic aspects of the technical requirements for microprobe analysis
* Help in planning and managing experiments using these new analytical techniques
* Introductions and background material to important topics, such as ion-solid interactions, crystallography, and ion optics
* 240 illustrations that help explain complex points
* Two chapters supplemented with four-color figures
* Topics of interest to researchers in the fields of nuclear microscopy and materials and microelectronic device analysis and fabrication, as well as those in accelerator laboratories
Materials Analysis Using a Nuclear Microprobe is an invaluable resource for both experienced researchers and newcomers to the field, for students at the graduate level, and for scientists from a wide range of disciplines who would like to find out more about research opportunities in this exciting and promising field.
The emphasis in the areas of ion-solid interactions and nuclear microprobes has now shifted from the realm of pure scientific inquiry to the arena of applications. Driven partially by the development of semiconductor devices, this technology now provides powerful new tools in two important research areas--ion beam modification of materials and ion beam analysis.
This book deals with the application of finely focused high-energy ion beams in materials characterization, and how they turn ion beam spectrometry into ion beam microscopy. The text includes fundamental principles in crystallography and solid-state physics, as well as the current state of the art in MeV ion optics--all of which play an important role in this technology.
Along with in-depth coverage of the various processes involved in nuclear microscopy and ion-solid interactions, the book explores nuclear microprobe hardware in detail, examines various applications of nuclear microprobes for materials analysis, and considers all experimental aspects of using these new analytical methods.
The authors draw on their work at the pioneering nuclear microprobe facilities at Oxford and Melbourne Universities. They share their insight and knowledge throughout and help simplify many complex problems that arise when focusing MeV ion beams down to submicron spots, or when dealing with the vast amount of data these experiments yield. Their discussion of ion beam analysis techniques is accessible and useful, addressing in particular the needs of materials scientists in a wide range of fields, while also providing information of more general appeal to other scientists involved in ion beam work. It also demonstrates how conventional and widely applied ion beam analysis with unfocused beams can be enormously enhanced by use of a focused beam.
In addition to its complete and up-to-date treatment of the subject, Materials Analysis Using a Nuclear Microprobe affords us a glimpse of the future--pointing in the direction this technology is going, showing the influence it is bound to have on the work done in laboratories worldwide, and suggesting the new possibilities this will open up for a variety of ion beam applications.
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Thus, Turner's study (ref. 83) makes a case that Hitler's accession was by no means inevitable and that ... X as with so much in the mythology of his Third Reich, the belief that January 30”, 1933, marked a seizure of power was spurious ...
In this stimulating work, Graham Richards provides general readers and students with an authoritative introduction to the central problems currently faced by chemistry.
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Ernest Rutherford | English physicist That's the last potato I'll ever dig ! " That statement was attributed to young Ernest Rutherford , a native of New Zealand . Rutherford had applied for a scholarship to Cambridge University ...
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For example , an especially useful theoretical model for Workshop leaders is Perry's ( 1968 ) description of the intellectual and personal development of college students . This theory , originally developed at Harvard in the 1950s ...
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