The most complete guide to viewing eclipses-including details on every solar and lunar eclipse through 2017
Want to observe the most fleeting eclipse phenomena, take dramatic photos, and keep a detailed record of the experience? Now you can be prepared. This comprehensive one-stop resource covers everything you need to know about solar and lunar eclipses-why they happen, how to view them, how to photograph them, even when and where they will occur through the year 2017. Here's where to turn for:
* Detailed explanations of eclipse mechanics and dynamics, viewing techniques, and what to look for, both in the sky and all around you
* Extended discussions of eclipse photography and videography-film selection and developing, filter requirements, special care of equipment, and more
* Intriguing individual and group activities you can carry out during an eclipse to heighten your enjoyment and deepen your understanding of the event
* Detailed maps and discussions on how and where to best view each eclipse, plus travel considerations, likely weather conditions, and equipment recommendations
Whether you're a backyard astronomer, a dedicated eclipse chaser, or a teacher guiding students through their first eclipse experience, Eclipse! provides the in-depth, detailed, practical information you need to make the most of these thrilling celestial marvels of nature.
夜里也出太阳吗由于地面是球形的,所以太阳只能照射地球的半面。地球上朝向太阳的那面是白天,背向太阳的那面是黑夜。可是中国的古书中却记录了夜里出太阳的奇异天象。《汉书》中记录了汉武帝延元二年夏四月戊申夜里出太阳的事;《晋书》中也有类似记录,说, ...
From the Random House Library of Knowledge comes a brand-new edition of the backlist favorite "Astronomy Today." With a totally updated text, additional photos, and a fresh new cover, this...
Describes how nebulae or clouds of dust particles and gases in space form from the residue of dying stars and how some nebulae contain matter from which stars are born.