A comprehensive and practical approach to designing for the growingsenior market As people live longer, stay healthier, and enjoy more disposableincome, their use of hospitality services is increasingdramatically. Hospitality Design for the Graying Generation helpsyou cater to this expanding market by providing criticalinformation on designing facilities which are sensitive to theneeds of the over-65 population. With the important principlesexplained in this book, designing for the senior consumer can becreative, cost-effective, and benefit all consumers withoutsacrificing style. This indispensable guide includes: * A Universal Design approach that can be applied to bothcommercial and residential projects, going beyond compliance withADA guidelines * A wide range of hospitality design, including restaurants, hotelguest rooms, lobbies, and lounges * Design principles beautifully illustrated with concise, detaileddrawings * Extensive coverage of the specific physical needs and psychologyof seniors, including physical strength, hearing, sight, colorpreferences, and other areas * A quick-reference checklist of "senior-friendly" designfeatures When the interior design needs of the over-65 market are met, allpotential users gain, regardless of age or ability. This accessiblebook is an invaluable resource for designers, operators, and otherprofessionals throughout the hospitality industry. With millions of baby boomers rapidly approaching retirement age,the over-65 age group is the fastest-growing segment of thepopulation. As they become healthier, live longer, and have moredisposable income, their use of hospitality services, such ashotels and restaurants, will increase dramatically. Whether you area designer or a hospitality professional, Hospitality Design forthe Graying Generation helps you plan for this growing market byproviding you with critical information for designing facilitiesthat accommodate the needs of all generations. Clearly written and generously illustrated, Hospitality Design forthe Graying Generation shows you how to address the specificphysical and psychological needs of seniors, with detailed chapterson mobility, hearing, vision, color preferences, and otherimportant areas. Going beyond ADA guidelines, Alfred Baucom'sUniversal Design approach enables you to integrate senior-friendlydesign principles into a wide range of specific environments --fromlobbies, common areas, and public restrooms to restaurants,lounges, and hotel guest rooms. In meeting the needs of the over-65 market, Hospitality Design forthe Graying Generation ensures that all potential users, regardlessof age or ability, will be well accommodated.
52 Stephen Kieran and James Timberlake , “ Paradise Regained , ” Architecture 80 ( December 1991 ) : 48–51 ; the quotation is on pages 48–49 .
... Joe, 211 Kelly, William, 12 Kieran Timberlake, 28, 29 killed steels, 22 Kure Beach (North Carolina), weathering evaluated in, 275 M machining, 225–226, ...
Brender, Jean D., Juliana A. Maantay, and Jayajit Chakraborty. 2011. ... Chris Frost, Katharine Ker, Rebecca Steinbach, Ian Roberts, and Reinhard Wentz.
In the Army and the Navy, everyone had both line and staff duties. Line duty was your primary mission—say, as a gunnery officer—which you did while being ...
... The Faison School for Autism is a unique and welcoming learning environment that encompasses the needs of its students, staff, and families alike.
"A must for practitioners and students alike, Manual brings the process of design and details of architecture to life, revealing the beauty of building derived from composition within a tradition of innovative assembly."--BOOK JACKET.
Projects in this book include a house made from prefabricated modules in rural California that minimally disturbed its picturesque site; a major renovation of Philadelphia's Dilworth Park in front of City Hall; Cellophane House (TM), a ...
This thought-provoking book presents a compelling argument for moving architecture from a part-by-part, linear approach to an integrated one that brings together technology, materials, and production methods.
Through a series of questions, the book explores several of KieranTimberlake's ongoing research agendas including speed of on-site assembly, design for disassembly, a holistic approach to the life cycle of materials, and the development of ...
Through the use of state-of-the-art building information modeling, the architects were able to streamline the design-build process. This is a manual for the componentized prefab.