Just as cookies go with milk and peanut butter goes with jelly, math and cooking go hand in hand. This fun-filled book shows you exactly how. With more than 60 activities and recipes to try, you can practice math while you cook! Get a handle on measurement, multiplication, division, fractions, percents, geometry, and more, while whipping up mouth-watering treats like scrumptious stromboli slices, chewy marshmallow-fudge squares, yummy chicken nuggets, and delicious butterscotch muffins. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced cook, you too can become a Math Chef. All activities and recipes are kid-tested and require only common ingredients and kitchen utensils. There's also a helpful list of safety rules, an explanation of basic cooking skills, and a complete nutrition guide.
This set of grade 6 math resources covers multiplication and division word problems; perimeter and area; addition and subtraction of whole numbers and decimals; circles, polygons, and angles; addition and subtraction with fractions; volume, ...
Your recipe for white bean stew calls for 2 pounds of cooked white beans. Your extern cooked too many beans for another recipe, so you now have 3 cups of cooked white beans left over.
This volume demonstrates how chefs use math to measure, prepare, and cook to create tasty, delicious food.
In this book, the authors share their secret recipes, ingredients, and tips for serving up lessons that engage students and help them understand math.
Pleasurable and lighthearted, The Proof and the Pudding is a feast for the intellect as well as the palate.
Relates math and cookery by presenting math concepts and reinforcing them with recipes. Provides practice in converting from English to metric system, multiplying quantities, measuring area, estimating, and more.
Throughout, the book includes concrete examples that connect math concepts to real-world applications, as well as self-tests to help readers develop problem-solving skills.
This user-friendly guide starts with basic principles before introducing more specialized topics like recipe conversion and costing, AP/EP, menu pricing, and inventory costs.
Vital mathematical concepts are reinforced with easy-to-understand examples and review questions The book is accompanied by instructor support materials including an Instructor's Manual, a Respondus test bank, and PowerPoint lecture notes ...
As math teachers and instructional coaches, John Stevens and Matt Vaudrey know how discouraging it feels to look out into a classroom full of disinterested and confused students.