Field Methods Casebook for Software Design

Field Methods Casebook for Software Design
Computers / Programming / General
Dennis Wixon, Judith Ramey


Now you can learn firsthand field research methods pioneered by designers at a wide variety of hardware and software companies The case studies presented in this book are real-world demonstrations of field research methods being applied for the first time to the design of hardware and software products at a wide range of companies—Microsoft, Lotus Development Corporation, Claris Corporation, Digital Equipment Corporation, as well as many others. The first field methods book devoted exclusively to the areas of interface design and human/computer interaction, this collection offers design practitioners a unique opportunity to study a wide range of techniques developed by their peers to investigate user work in context and to provide a basis for grounded product design. Presenting the case studies in a consistently coherent, straightforward manner, the authors extrapolate useful lessons from each, analyzing the costs and benefits, advantages and disadvantages of each approach, as well as offering a wealth of practical advice and guidance on how to adapt the described methods to your own design endeavors. Field Methods Casebook for Software Design:

  • Describes the latest field research methods as they have been used in product design
  • Provides concrete and detailed examples of data-gathering techniques and data analysis processes geared specifically to design issues
This book is an indispensable resource for user interface designers, usability engineers, and all those involved with software design.

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