The Silver Anniversary edition of this classic text takes a more applied and computer-oriented approach to its topical coverage. The book is intended for a one or two semester course in Biostatistics at the undergraduate or graduate level offered by departments of Biostatistics, Statistics, Mathematics, Nursing and other Allied Health disciplines, occasionally of Forestry or Animal Husbandry. Nearly all the examples and exercises make use of real data from actual research projects and reports from health sciences literature. Where appropriate, Minitab, SPSS and SAS commands and printouts are included as part of the examples and solutions to exercises.
A unique, accessible guide to current practices in population sampling. Now in its third edition, this popular sampling text continues to provide a highly readable, practical treatment of the...
Medicine deals with treatments that work often but not always, so treatment success must be based on probability. Statistical methods lift medical research from the anecdotal to measured levels of...
This is a lucid introduction to some of the mathematical ideas which are useful to biologists. Professor Maynard Smith introduces the reader to the ways in which biological problems can...
本书用超白话易懂的生活用词, 连贯生物统计, 研究设计, 思考逻辑, 跨越生物医学与公共卫生统计两大领域, 打破一般传统, 为读者讲述生物统计学的基本知识.
Praise for the First Edition of Statistical Analysis with Missing Data "An important contribution to the applied statistics literature.... I give the book high marks for unifying and making accessible...
The 1982 statistics on the use of family planning and infertility services presented in this report are preliminary results from Cycle III of the National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG),...
The report shows data on a wide range of topics, including pregnancy and birth, marriage, divorce, cohabitation, sexual intercourse, contraception, infertility, use of family planning and other medical services, and...
Short-term Prediction of HIV Infection and AIDS in England and Wales: Report of a Working Group
Statistics for Biologists
This is a new paperback edition of the well received text Spatial Epidemiology: Methods and Applications. It is an easy to read, clear and concise exploration of the field of...