Reach children and families and help them navigate the child welfare system Case planning is one of the fundamental steps in working with dependent children, yet it is also one of the most challenging. Essentials of Child Welfare presents the key information clinical social workers, child advocates, family law attorneys, and other human services personnel need to work successfully with children and families in the child welfare system. Essentials of Child Welfare is packed with step-by-step guidelines for intervening proactively with foster care children and their caretakers. Techniques are presented for handling a number of related topics, including attachment issues, substance abuse, sexual abuse (victim and perpetrator), suicidal ideation, eating disorders, learning disabilities, juvenile delinquency, domestic abuse, and many more. As part of the Essentials of Social Work Practice series, this book offers a concise yet thorough overview of child welfare, numerous tips for best practices, and a prioritized assembly of all the information and techniques that must be at one's fingertips to practice knowledgeably, effectively, and ethically. Each concise chapter features numerous callout boxes highlighting key concepts, bulleted points, and extensive illustrative material, as well as "Test Yourself" questions that help you gauge and reinforce your grasp of the information covered.
The basic information family child care providers need to run a successful program in a warm, welcoming setting for children and their families
The Tender Years : Toward Developmentally Sensitive Child Welfare Services for Very Young Children . New York : Oxford University Press . Brown , A. W. , & B. Bailey - Etta . 1997. “ An Out - of - Home Care System in Crisis ...
Harris, R. and Timms, N. (1993) Secure accommodation in child care, London: Routledge. Harris, R.J. and Webb, ... Hendrick, H. (1997) Children, childhood and English society, 1880-1990, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Features that this text offers Icons in the text correlate chapter content to the six competency goals in 13 functional areas for students who wish to earn Child Development Associate (CDA) certification.
... exchange agencies US regulations for student exchanges Straus, M Student support Sue Gordon Teachers' professional behaviour Teachers' roles Toowoomba Catholic School Trauma and its effects Trauma – guidelines for working with.
... K. A. , 247 , 248 , 253 , 267 Lorber , R. , 100 Louis , J. A. , 6 Lutheran Social Services , 89 , 102n2 Lytton ... J. , 84 Le Vine , E. S. , 39 Libowitz , A. S. , 336 , 338 , 339 Lidman , R. , 225 Lindsey , D. , 1 , 2 , 354 Link ...
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 38(5), 581–586. tb01545.x Gresham, F. M., & Elliott, ... Lanier, P., Rodriguez, M., Verbiest, S., Bryant, K., Guan, T., & Zolotor, A. (2020).
Social Work Practice with Children and Families Francis K. O. Yuen, DSW, ACSW Senior Editor Social Work Practice with ... Reason and Rationality in Health and Human Services Delivery edited by John T. Pardeck, Charles F. Longino Jr., ...
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Developed by a former child protection professional and a social work scholar, this book draws upon current research and features cases that simulate those child welfare professionals are likely to encounter in the field.