"This book is well written and inclusive with a realistic approachto problems encountered in schools today. Practical and useableinterventions are included which makes this text a valuableresource to the school social worker." -Terry Housteau-Hill, LSCW, Lead Consultant, Knox County SchoolSocial Services "An invaluable resource . . . [and] extremelyreader-friendly." -Michelle Alvarez, MSW, LCSW, Assistant Professor, School of SocialWork University of Southern Indiana School Social Work thoroughly covers all aspects of this burgeoningfield, from the history and function of school social workers andup-to-date, empirically and developmentally supported interventionsto effective methods for implementing and evaluating school socialwork programs. Educational policy and legislation, community-basedinterventions, and prevention programs are also covered. Supported by case vignettes and discussion questions that engagethe reader in every chapter, this book: * Provides proven and promising programs for change in classrooms,schools, families, neighborhoods, and communities * Equips you with the knowledge and skills necessary to functioneffectively in the unique political environment of the school * Outlines the school social worker's essential role as aconsultant to faculty and administrators as well as creator andmediator of school and community collaborations that enhance theacademic success of at-risk students In addition, this book provides current assessment methods forevaluating the effectiveness of interventions; recently developedstandardized measures designed to assess change at the classroom,school, family, neighborhood, and community levels; guidelines forsuccessfully planning, implementing, and evaluating new programsbased on Comprehensive Quality Programming (CQP) strategies; anddetailed information on the most current student-focused violenceprevention programs. Complete with lists of Internet resources and other references atthe end of each chapter, School Social Work is a valuable tool forstudents and a hands-on resource for school social workers,psychologists, counselors, and administrators.
The main goal of this text is to a provide hands on and practical experience for students studying to become school social workers.
The School Social Work Toolkit: Hands-on Counseling Activities and Workshops
The demands of federal legislation like No Child Left Behind and state requirements for certification are making it increasingly necessary that school social workers demonstrate that they are highly qualified school-based mental health and ...
Miller, N. S. (1999). Mortality risks in alcoholism and effects of abstinence and addiction treatment. Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 22(2), 371–383. Minkler, M., & Roe, K. (1993). Grandparents as caregivers: Raising children of ...
A succinct SSWAA Workshop volume, The Domains and Demands of School Social Work Practice demonstrates how EBP can be integrated into school social worker's daily practice, advancing the debate about where social workers can and should ...
Sabatino, C.A., Mayer, L. M., & Timberlake, E. M. (2006). The effectiveness of school social work practice. In R. Constable, C. Massat, S. McDonald, & J. Flynn (Eds.), School social work: Practice, policy, and research. Chicago: Lyceum.
This comprehensive school social work text discusses major issues confronting education as well as practice directions for the design, delivery, and evaluation of school social work services. This comprehensive school...
The Art of Being Indispensable What School Social Workers Need to Know in Their First Three Years of Practice is a vital resource for newly hired school social workers that helps bridge the gap between classroom theory and field practice.
While unique in that the content aligns with the newly developed national practice model developed by SSWAA, the text includes several other useful features.
Family Engagement with Schools is unique because it is the only book written especially for social workers and social work students who work in partnership with educators.