Essentials of Intellectual Property

Essentials of Intellectual Property
John Wiley & Sons
Alexander I. Poltorak, Paul J. Lerner


ESSENTIALS OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Full of valuable tips, techniques, illustrative real-worldexamples, exhibits, and best practices, this handy and concisepaperback will help you stay up to date on the newest thinking,strategies, developments, and technologies in intellectualproperty. "Alexander Poltorak and Paul Lerner have written the definitiveprimer on intellectual property for business professionals.Thorough in its coverage and understandable in its delivery,Essentials of Intellectual Property provides not only anoutstanding summary of intellectual property basics, but a usefuland sensible strategy for using intellectual property to the bestneeds of a business. Poltorak and Lerner have combined theirin-depth knowledge of patent law with their savvy business skillsto yield an indispensable reference for the businessprofessional." —Jeffrey L. Brandt, Patent Attorney, Former Senior VicePresident and Intellectual Property & Licensing Counsel, "Alex Poltorak and Paul Lerner have pulled off a mighty featwith Essentials of Intellectual Property. They have crafted a workthat is clear for the beginning practitioner while nuanced andsophisticated for the savvy tech transfer and IP managementveteran. Lively and often witty writing is a treat not often foundin tomes on what can be a dry subject. With Essentials ofIntellectual Property, the practitioner has a new literary tool fortying IP strategy to the business reality of tomorrow." —Edward Kahn, Founder and President, EKMS, Inc., Cambridge,MA "This critically important new volume of work not only providesthe professional with a greater knowledge of this vast subject, butalso the novice with a better understanding and appreciation forthe results of their creative abilities." —Lawrence J. Udell, Executive Director, California InventionCenter, Professor of New Ventures and Entrepreneurship The Wiley Essentials Series—because the businessworld is always changing...and so should you.

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