A newly revised and updated edition of the ultimate resource fornonprofit managers If you're a nonprofit manager, you probably spend a good deal ofyour time tracking down hard-to-find answers to complicatedquestions. The Nonprofit Manager's Resource Directory, SecondEdition provides instant answers to all your questions concerningnonprofit-oriented product and service providers, Internet sites,funding sources, publications, support and advocacy groups, andmuch more. If you need help finding volunteers, understanding newlegislation, or writing grant proposals, help has arrived. Thisnew, updated edition features expanded coverage of important issuesand even more answers to all your nonprofit questions. Revised to keep vital information up to the minute, The NonprofitManager's Resource Directory, Second Edition: * Contains more than 2,000 detailed listings of both nonprofit andfor-profit resources, products, and services * Supplies complete details on everything from assistance andsupport groups to software vendors and Internet servers, managementconsultants to list marketers * Provides information on all kinds of free and low-cost productsavailable to nonprofits * Features an entirely new section on international issues * Plus: 10 bonus sections available only on CD-ROM The Nonprofit Manager's Resource Directory, Second Edition has theinformation you need to keep your nonprofit alive and well in thesechallenging times. Topics include: * Accountability and Ethics * Assessment and Evaluation * Financial Management * General Management * Governance * Human Resource Management * Information Technology * International Third Sector * Leadership * Legal Issues * Marketing and Communications * Nonprofit Sector Overview * Organizational Dynamics and Design * Philanthropy * Professional Development * Resource Development * Social Entrepreneurship * Strategic Planning * Volunteerism
In this "management 101" manual, Alison Green and Jerry Hauser offer step-by-step guidance on everything it takes to make that happen, including how to: Effectively manage specific tasks and broader responsibilities Set clear goals and hold ...
In this "management 101" manual, Alison Green and Jerry Hauser offer step-by-step guidance on everything it takes to make that happen, including how to: Effectively manage specific tasks and broader responsibilities Set clear goals and hold ...
A comprehensive handbook for leading a successful nonprofit This handbook can educate and empower a whole generation of nonprofit leaders and professionals by bringing together top experts in the field to share their knowledge and wisdom ...
This book covers essential aspects (staffing, communications, charity governance, donations, corporate social responsibility, crowdfunding). With useful case studies, resources and links, it avoids jargon and intellectualizing.
This book finally lets the rest of us in on the secrets behind how they have made it work." —Jeanne Bell, CEO, CompassPoint Nonprofit Services; chair, Alliance for Nonprofit Management "This book is a critical resource for any nonprofit ...
No matter what type or size nonprofit you manage, whether it’s a museum, trade association, community health center, church, or think tank, this is your guide to thriving and surviving the challenges of the 1990s.
With all-new chapters written by the top scholars in the field of nonprofit HRM, these are but a few of the many questions that are addressed in this timely volume.
This book provides a great guide to increase their effectiveness." —Marshall Goldsmith, author of Succession: Are You Ready? and What Got You Here Won't Get You There Coaching Skills for Nonprofit Managers and Leaders "Every nonprofit ...
This edition includes: New insights, updates, vignettes, case studies, and examples to deal with the implications of nonprofit financial management An examination of nonprofit business models in relation to growing demands from the ...
From tech, to fundraising, and boards, Nonprofit Management 101 is the leadership hack you've been looking for.” —Steve Wozniak, Co-founder, Apple, Inc. “To all those who want to change their world, you now have a how-to operator's ...