Reduce operating and maintenance costs while substantially improving the performance of new and existing data warehouses and data marts
Data Warehouse Performance
This book tells you what you need to know to design, build, and manage data warehouses and data marts for optimum performance. Written by an all-star team of data warehouse pioneers and innovators-including Bill Inmon, "the father of the data warehouse," and Ken Rudin, one of the leading experts on performance-the book describes the layers of a high-performance data warehouse environment and guides the reader through their implementation and management. It also supplies proven techniques for supercharging the performance of existing environments. Crucial topics covered include:
* Mitigating the impact of dormant data on performance
* Data cleansing and implementation techniques
* Implementing platform components like data marts to support scalability
* Database design, sizing, and optimization techniques, including star schema and indexing
* Hardware assessment, selection, and sizing
* The role of monitors in balancing workload and assessing performance
* Creating a service management contract to meet user expectations
J47 2002 658'.05 - dc21 Pearson Education LTD . Pearson Education Australia PTY , Limited Pearson Education Singapore , Pte . Ltd Pearson Education North Asia Ltd Pearson Education , Canada , Ltd Pearson Educación de Mexico , S.A. de ...
Computer Performance Evaluation: Modelling Techniques and Tools : 10th International Conference, Tools '98 Palma de Mallorca, Spain, September 14-18, 1998...
Silicon Interface Specialists Conference , ” n.d. ( in author's possession ) ; “ Attendance List , 1965 Silicon Interface Specialist Conference , " n.d. ( in author's possession ) ; Karl Zaininger , interview by author , 21 August 1994.
網路思想先驅溫柏格的知識大預言 ◎資深出版人陳穎青專文導讀 ◎Amazon讀者四星好評 ◎世界技術獎(媒體與新聞類)2012年度好書 ◎2021年版新曹家榮老師導讀 數位革命的知識形態 ...
This volume is long overdue for the business school market. I applaud the authors for writing the first of many more editions of this text.” –– Jane Webster, Professor of Management Information Systems, Queen’s University
是故,制衡的設計乃建構於「徹底個人主義」( thoroughgoing individualism )的思維上,將個別權勢者相互競爭視為政府運作的基礎( Sartori , 1976 : 14 )。因此,在此一設計實施八年後,首任總統華盛頓便在下野時,諄諄告誡美國人不可成立政黨,因為「政黨精神將 ...
The Role of Information Technologies Government Printing Office Staff, United States. Congress. Office of Technology Assessment. STANDARDS Two useful web resources dedicated to the various technical standards discussed throughout this ...
Information technology has substantially affected modern life in industrialized societies. To be responsible users of information technology, students should have a basic understanding of its history, an awareness of current...
This new book combines research findings and the practical experiences of the authors to present a comprehensive look at Executive Information Systems (EIS) and other decision support applications! From how...