Definitive, up-to-date coverage of nutrition Nutrition for Foodservice and Culinary Professionals is the essential resource for the most complete, up-to-date information on nutrition and diet. New and expanded material in this Fifth Edition addresses such topics as biotechnology, vitamins, minerals, and organic foods. Many new tables and figures present a broader range of facts on the nutritional value of foods, as well as such timely material as "Food Practices of World Religions" and a "Reduced Calorie Menu for Asian-American Cuisine." This new edition of Nutrition for Foodservice and Culinary Professionals features: * New Dietary Reference Intakes for calories, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and selected vitamins and minerals * More "Chef's Tips" highlighting ways to incorporate nutritional knowledge into cooking and menus * The Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC) Diet using the National Cholesterol Education Program 2001 clinical guidelines * The 2002 American Cancer Society nutrition guidelines * Up-to-date statistics on overweight and obesity in the United States and the latest information on weight loss, including drugs and surgery * Updated Hot Topics, which discuss often controversial subjects related to nutrition, and expanded Nutrition Web Explorer activities Nutrition for Foodservice and Culinary Professionals is used in certificate courses by the American Culinary Federation and the National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation, and this Fifth Edition continues to be a bedrock resource for students and professionals in the foodservice industry.
New to this edition, illustrations in full color add visual appeal to the text and help culinary students to master important concepts.
The text and exam are part of the ManageFirst Program(R) from the National Restaurant Association (NRA). This edition is created to teach restaurant and hospitality students the core competencies of the Ten Pillars of Restaurant Management.
This particular guide is a brief competency guide which is focused on Culinary Nutrition.
Industry-driven curriculum that launches students into their restaurant and foodservice career! Curriculum of the ProStart® program offered by the National Restaurant Association.
Industry-driven curriculum that launches students into their restaurant and foodservice career! Curriculum of the ProStart(R) program offered by the National Restaurant Association.
The College Blue Book
The text and exam are part of the ManageFirst Program(R) from the National Restaurant Association (NRA). This edition is created to teach restaurant and hospitality students the core competencies of the Ten Pillars of Restaurant Management.
This text covers product information as well as management of the purchasing function, and how this relates to a successful operation.
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This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. This text...