Make Better Managerial Decisions Through Scientific Research! With the third edition, you'll gain the skills necessary to carry out research projects that will greatly improve decision making for all areas of business. Through its clear and straightforward presentation of ideas, you'll learn the practical usefulness of business research to managers. And you'll easily be able to focus on the theory behind scientific research and immediately apply it to research projects. Key Features of the Third Edition
* A new chapter on Technology and Business Research highlights the use of the Internet and Intranet, e-mail, enterprise resource planning, video conferencing, data mining, and more.
* New Managerial Relevance sections are integrated throughout the text to provide a real-world perspective on how research is applied in actual business situations.
* The use of software for data collection, data analysis, and report presentation is fully explained. The uses of SPSS and EXCEL for data analysis are comprehensively illustrated.
* Ethical issues relating to research and the aspects of business, data collection, and data analysis are integrated throughout the book
* Examples and projects throughout each chapter help build the essential skills for managerial success.
* The issues in cross-national research in sampling and data collection are thoroughly discussed.
* The qualitative-quantitative aspects of research are brought together through a case study on the final chapter.
Rabinowitz examines the experience, operational practices, and future prospects of philanthropists who have been involved in funding national campaigns and grassroots organizations that focus on social change concerns over the past 30 years ...
全球最受推崇創新大師 克里斯汀生最後代表作: 越絕望的地方,越有潛力! 用反直覺的方法發現數據看不到的全新客群, 在意想不到的地方創造新成長市場,向上流動! ...
本书共收录格兰诺维特六篇代表性论文, 向国内读者介绍社会关系网络与经济行动间的关系, 也就是新经济社会学和关系管理学的一些主要理论概念.具体内容包括:经济行动与社会结构 ...
康諾利(Marie Connolly)和我一起在2005年的一篇論文中,首創了「搖滾經濟學」這個詞,之後《今日美國》誤以為那是我獨創的新字眼。[19]雖然她和我的確分別想過有無更貼切的字彙,但差不多就在我們兩人的朋友史蒂夫.李維特(Steve Levitt)和史蒂芬.
A History of United States Trade and Monetary Policy William J. Gill. The press played the successful supply ... Douglas MacArthur had sprung his amphibious end run around the Communist lines with the surprise landing at Inchon .
Applied Precursors The strand of thought stemming from the field of management started with Frederick W. Taylor , the father of Scientific Management . He published his major work , the Principles of Scientific Management , in 1911 ...
世界是不公平,你更要學會拉自己一把! 哈佛大學商學院第一位台裔女教授 教你化阻力為助力的能力,躋身機會圈! 你是否曾覺得辛苦付出總是被辜負,別人不了解你有多努力? ...
The company gives priority to organizations that enhance conservation of energy and natural resources and environmental education efforts . " “ United Way is supported extensively by the company and its employees through annual ...
Introduces the current global labor milieu and showcases innovative solutions via original case studies.